Monday, October 5, 2009

Michelle Obama and Carl Lewis

Things got a little weird when Michelle Obama spoke to the International Olympic Committee last Friday.

MICHELLE OBAMA: Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad's lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and others for their brilliance and perfection.

Why would she say that?

She wasn't sitting on her dad's lap when she was cheering on Carl Lewis. In 1984, at the age of 20, she couldn't have been sitting on her dad's lap watching Lewis compete in the Olympics.

That was sloppy speech writing.

How could she read those words, knowing the scene she was describing never happened?


Read George Will's "Olympic Gold for Narcissism."


Unknown said...

TV sports, including Olympic sports, were the rage for the Robinson family, and the first lady also counted Olga Korbut and Carl Lewis as favorites. Talking about Lewis, who collected nine gold medals in all, she remarked: "When I was little, he was breaking all those records, it was just amazing to watch him win again and again and again."

When Michelle was LITTLE? When Lewis first made the Olympic team, she was 20 years old! Shades of Hillary being named for Sir Edward Hillary, who climbed Mt. Everest AFTER she was born.

Liberals love stories -- even if they have to make them up.

Happy Dae·

Julie said...

Right on! Hey, a lie's a matter how big or little and these people need to be exposed every single time!

Vendor Xeno said...

Carl Lewis was in the olympics as of 1980 Its perfectly reasonable for a 16 year old girl to sit in her father's lap.

Scott said...

FYI--the United States did not participate in the 1980 Olympics. President Carter boycotted because of the Soviet involvement in Afghanistan.

Unknown said...

Yes, the right wing are just despicable because the US won't be hosting the Olympics. First of all, Chicago isn't a good place for the Olympics and everyone knows it. Second of all, how can you put all the blame on the right? Michelle O. is the one who screwed it up for everyone else.

Oh and just in case you haven't noticed. The GOP is doing absolutely nothing to insure the failure of President Obama. He's doing a damn fine job of it all by himself. All we are doing is sitting back telling loony people like you "I told you so".

One more comment...people who are mortally ill in Canada with their supposedly awesome healthcare plan still have to get treatment paid for by charity. Get your facts straight. Seems to me your thought processes are completely irrational.

exeal said...

Saturday Night Live made Tina Fey famous by writing a script for her to say "I can see Russia from my house!"

I think SNL should now write a skit with Michelle saying "I can see Carl Lewis from my daddy's lap!!!"

Mary said...

Good idea.

Of course, the difference would be that Michelle Obama actually said she saw Carl Lewis from her daddy's lap.

exeal said...

I know, but when she mentioned Carl Lewis along with Nadia and Olga she was giving the impression that she was a little girl watching the Olympics while sitting in her dad's lap. It's only when people started doing the math that it turns out she was 20 when Lewis participated in his first Olympics... An adult woman.

That's why I really want to see an adult Michelle/daddy's lap/Carl Lewis skit on SNL.

Side note: Did you know that Barbara Walters thought that Sarah Palin actually said "I can see Russia from my house"? I watched The View one day when John Ziegler was a guest. He made a point of saying that Sarah did not say she could see Russia from her house. Barbara seemed to think she caught Ziegler in a lie and she said (While pointing/wagging her finger at Ziegler) that Sarah DID say that... She HEARD Sarah say it and there is VIDEO of her saying it. Ziegler told Barbara, no, it was Tina Fey who said it in an SNL skit and the MSM played that clip so much that a lot of people actually think it was Sarah who said it. Barbara blinked a few times and "uh, uh, uh" a few times and went to a commercial break. :o)

Mary said...

I would love to see SNL do that skit, too.

I think they'll probably go easy on Obama tonight, especially after last weekend's opening skit.

I would be pleasantly surprised if they joke about Obama's Peace Prize and Michelle watching Carl Lewis from her daddy's lap.

The jokes write themselves. In my opinion, it's comedy malpractice to ignore those topics.

Yes, I did know that Barbara Walters thought the Tina Fey joke was an actual Sarah Palin quote.

I'd like to say it's shocking that she should could be so clueless. Of course, it isn't.