Friday, October 16, 2009

Heene Family Hoax (Transcript)

Falcon Heene, dubbed the "Balloon Boy," verified what seemed likely.

"We did this for the show."

Here's the transcript from the family's appearance yesterday on CNN's Larry King Live.

WOLF BLITZER: And Falcon was really in the garage this whole time. I don't know if Falcon can hear me, but was he -- because I know at some point, he fell in sleep in that garage, but he was hiding out because he thought you were going to punish him for something that happened earlier in the day.

Did he hear anything?

Did he hear you screaming out, "Falcon, Falcon?"

RICHARD HEENE: You'd have to -- Falcon, did you hear us calling your name at any time?


R. HEENE: You did?


R. HEENE: Well, why didn't you come out?

F. HEENE: You had said that we did this for a show.

R. HEENE: Yes.

F. HEENE: So...

R. HEENE: You didn't come out?


BLITZER: I heard what he said, but I'm sure that's -- I'm not -- it wasn't real -- really clear. What was his -- his reasoning why he heard -- he heard you screaming, "Falcon, Falcon." And I'm sure he heard his mom screaming, "Falcon, Falcon."

But why didn't he come out of the garage at that point?

R. HEENE: Well, you know, whenever he -- whenever we tell him things like, you know, it's a bad thing to do, he does go and hide. He cowers down. And like if we go to the store and he wants to buy some candy or something, I have to tell him no. So he's always behind. I mean, the other boys are always telling him, hurry, Falcon, hurry.

So he does -- he does tend to do that.

BLITZER: Did you think -- Mayumi, did you think it was possible that Falcon was just hiding out this time and was not necessarily on board that balloon?

M. HEENE: We searched any -- any place, even the small drawers and possibly Falcon can fit in any -- any part of house -- and we couldn't find him. Also, we searched his friends' houses, you know, he might be visiting. We -- we went through possible -- any places so (INAUDIBLE).

Out of the mouths of babes...

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