Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Letterman's Monologue - Monday, October 5 (Transcript)

When David Letterman took to the stage on Monday's Late Show, he was greeted by extended applause. Obviously fans attend Letterman's show, but I think an ovation like that should be reserved for someone like "Sully" Sullenberger, not a sleazy boss who beds his intern and staff members.

The theme of David Letterman's monologue was his sex scandal and extortion case. That's all. Every joke referred to Letterman's mess.

How inappropriate! How NOT entertaining!

It's as if Letterman isn't taking the matter seriously. He genuinely doesn't seem to get the ramifications of his actions. He's focusing on what was done to him rather than what he did to others and how he hurt them.

Letterman offered his adoring audience some incredibly lame material. It was awkward and weird and just creepy.

Nonetheless, his audience loved it. They cheered and laughed and applauded. I think the audience was pretty creepy, too. At one point, a guy shouted, "We love you, Dave."

Yeah, sure.

Letterman's monologue was filled with joke after joke about his situation.


"Did your weekend just fly by?"

"I'll be honest with you folks. Right now, I would give anything to be hiking on the Appalachian Trail."

"I got into the car this morning and the navigation lady wasn't speaking to me. Ouch."

"And don't kid yourself. Things are still pretty bad. There's a possibility that I'll be the first talk show host impeached."

"It's fall here in New York City, and I spent the whole weekend raking my hate mail."

"It's cold, too. It's chilly outside my house, chilly inside my house."

That's supposed to be funny, mocking his wife's reaction to the revelations that Letterman had been unfaithful to her, with more than one woman? What an ass!
"You know your day is going well when you're saying to a cop, "Now, you're sure he can't see me through the mirror."

"By the way, the going price for a screenplay based on this show right here -- $3 million."

"Did you hear about this? Over the weekend they came up with proof that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Jewish. Found proof that Ahmadinejad is Jewish. I wonder how much they wanted to keep that quiet. Ahmadinejad won't be talking about it. He's referring all questions to Rubenstein Communications."

"President Obama goes to Denmark, and he's trying to get the 2016 Olympics for the great city of Chicago. And he presented his case in a heartfelt manner but they weren't buying it. And boy, do I know what that feels like."

Poor Letterman.
"OK, let's look at the news. First of all, Bill Clinton said... (Stops)"

"Good news for South Carolina Mark Sanford because he... (Stops)"

"How about that Eliot Spitzer?" (Paul Shaffer laughs heartily.)

"Ladies and gentleman, I want to remind you of one thing. This is only Phase One. This is Phase One of the scandal. Phase Two, next week I go on Oprah and sob. Phase Two." (Wipes away tears)

Letterman ended his monologue with a clip of a monkey sneezing.
"Here's something now that I believe will make all of us feel better. And don't we need it, by gosh? It's an old favorite of ours, never fails to work. Please enjoy a sneezing monkey."

Letterman is pathetic.

Yes, he's the victim of an alleged extortion plot, but he has also been exposed as conducting himself inappropriately in the workplace.

I think it's pretty sick that Letterman and CBS are milking the scandal.

CBS put up the opening minute of Letterman's monologue on YouTube, teasing Monday night's show hours before it aired.

Interesting how CBS picks and chooses which video clips it wants to circulate on the Internet.

Is CBS looking into the sexual harassment angle of this?


Letterman's inappropriate workplace behavior and his unfaithfulness to Regina Lasko is translating into big ratings for him.

What an achievement!

Read more, USA Today.

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