Monday, November 16, 2009

46 World Leaders Did NOT Bow to Japanese Emperor

About Obama's bow, a full bend at the waist, to Japanese Emperor Akihito --

From Breitbart, via Hot Air, via the UConn College Republicans, here's a video compilation of photos of 46 world leaders greeting the Japanese emperor:

Leftists rushed to Obama's defense for his move, saying it was a sign of respect and completely appropriate.

Are we to believe that 46 other leaders dissed Emperor Akihito?

Bill Kristol weighed in on the matter on FOX News Sunday, explaining his experience when he met the Japanese emperor.

BILL KRISTOL: Sarah Palin would not have bowed to the emperor of Japan. She wouldn't even have curtsied to him, you know, nor would she have an attorney general who's taking the extremely risky move of bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to New York. Oh, I don't know....

I met the emperor when I was Vice President Quayle's Chief of Staff. We went over just after he was...

CHRIS WALLACE: Did you bow?

KRISTOL: No, and the Vice President didn't, and we weren't told by the embassy to. And I bet if you look at pictures of world leaders over 20 years meeting the emperor of Japan, they don't bow.

I don't know why President Obama thought that was appropriate. Maybe he thought it would play well in Japan, but it's not appropriate for an American president to bow to a foreign monarch.


Anonymous said...

He gives the English Prime Minister DVDs that don't work; then when the Prime Minister shows up, he claims he can't see him. He gives the Queen an Ipod. His wife hugs the queen. NOW THIS!

And they said Bush was uncouthe!

Mary said...

Obama looks ridiculous bowing at the waist.

He has to regret making that massive bend. He's the peer of the emperor but he's acting like a commoner.

Very undignified.