Monday, November 9, 2009

Anwar al Awlaki

An Internet post by Anwar al Awlaki, an Islamic cleric born in New Mexico, praises Nidal Malik Hasan as a hero.

About Sheikh Anwar:

He studied the Islamic sciences of Quran, hadith, and fiqh with scholars from Yemen. Imam Anwar served as an Imam in Denver, Colorado; San Diego, California; and Falls Church, Virginia. He is the author of the audio series on “The Lives of the Prophets”, “The Hereafter”, “The Life and Time of Abu Bakr”, “The Life and Time of Umar” , “The Messenger of Allah” along with other single lectures.
Imam Anwar also holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University, and a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from San Diego State University.
Currently he resides in Yemen.

Apparently, this Islamic extremist understands that Hasan's attack on Fort Hood was rooted in his faith.

From Imam Anwar's blog:

"Nidal Hassan Did the Right Thing"

November 9, 2009 - الاثنين 22 ذو القعدة 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki

Nidal Hassan is a hero. He is a man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people. This is a contradiction that many Muslims brush aside and just pretend that it doesn’t exist. Any decent Muslim cannot live, understanding properly his duties towards his Creator and his fellow Muslims, and yet serve as a US soldier. The US is leading the war against terrorism which in reality is a war against Islam. Its army is directly invading two Muslim countries and indirectly occupying the rest through its stooges.

Nidal opened fire on soldiers who were on their way to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. How can there be any dispute about the virtue of what he has done? In fact the only way a Muslim could Islamically justify serving as a soldier in the US army is if his intention is to follow the footsteps of men like Nidal.
The heroic act of brother Nidal also shows the dilemma of the Muslim American community. Increasingly they are being cornered into taking stances that would either make them betray Islam or betray their nation. Many amongst them are choosing the former. The Muslim organizations in America came out in a pitiful chorus condemning Nidal’s operation.

The fact that fighting against the US army is an Islamic duty today cannot be disputed. No scholar with a grain of Islamic knowledge can defy the clear cut proofs that Muslims today have the right -rather the duty- to fight against American tyranny. Nidal has killed soldiers who were about to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in order to kill Muslims. The American Muslims who condemned his actions have committed treason against the Muslim Ummah and have fallen into hypocrisy.
Allah(swt) says: Give tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment –
Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor [through power]? But indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirely. (al-Nisa 136-137)

The inconsistency of being a Muslim today and living in America and the West in general reveals the wisdom behind the opinions that call for migration from the West. It is becoming more and more difficult to hold on to Islam in an environment that is becoming more hostile towards Muslims.

May Allah grant our brother Nidal patience, perseverance and steadfastness and we ask Allah to accept from him his great heroic act. Ameen

"The fact that fighting against the US army is an Islamic duty today cannot be disputed. No scholar with a grain of Islamic knowledge can defy the clear cut proofs that Muslims today have the right -rather the duty- to fight against American tyranny. Nidal has killed soldiers who were about to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in order to kill Muslims. The American Muslims who condemned his actions have committed treason against the Muslim Ummah and have fallen into hypocrisy."

That's chilling.

Comments on the post are equally chilling.

Some examples:

Abu Turab says:

November 9, 2009 - الاثنين 22 ذو القعدة 1430 at 8:26 am

Shaykh Anwar al Awlaki may Allah bless you for your this timely post in defense of our Muslim brother Dr. Nidal Hasan. The defeatist comments by American ‘Muslim’ organizations were really disgusting. It made us think what you said long time ago that there will be separation between camp of Eman and camp of Kuffer; I guess we are witnessing that inevitable separation. An incident like these exposes the hypocrites & further purifies the camp of Islam.

mesh says:

November 9, 2009 - الاثنين 22 ذو القعدة 1430 at 11:31 am

Thats the first thing that came to my mind, may Allah reward this man for his bravery. Allah has enlightened him with his duty unlike the hypocrites of this age and time. may he be accepted as a shaheed and may Allah bless you, and every other sheikh like you imam. Truly a man blessed with the truth, fearing nobody except the one who deserves our fear. Allah subhana wa ta’ala. May Allah guide as all.

I'm sure Obama would tell Sheikh Anwar and others of his mindset not to jump to conclusions about Hasan.


Unknown said...

A letter to Mr. Anwar Al-Awlaki:

It’s tough to actually give an intelligent response or feedback to such moronic, idiotic and savage beliefs from your latest statement specific to the brutal killings in Texas. Let me first start by saying I am a liberal democrat, voted for President Obama and want nothing more than freedom for all cultures, ethnicity and personal choice. This CAN be accomplished through dialog, hope, time, understanding, acceptance and some luck. But I am pretty sure a logical starting point would not be to praise murder. What do you think?

Where to begin…

“He is a man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people.”

Guess what – deal with it. Everyone has hardships within their life. I'm sorry, but we all have our problems - which can be resolved without killing people!! (unless you are a coward of the worst possible kind). I have a thought; DON’T SERVE if your only way out is a deadly, vicious attack – a true disgrace to the human race and goodness of what we should and could stand for as a part of the human race! Killing people to make a point? Sounds good to you I bet? If he really could not live with it nor himself, do you actually believe taking 13 innocent lives is acceptable or proves anything other than blind ignorance and continues us down that path of hate – and not a path of true change? You sir (Anwar Al-Awlaki) are an absolute horrific human being and you are a coward. Praising the killing of innocent lives not in the battle of war? Is that making a point? You should be ashamed of your beliefs…beliefs that continue to perpetuate hatred and war. I would personally like to challenge you to a discussion so the world can see that a normal/average guy like me can capture the true spirit of what peace can look like... but I suppose killing me might make a better point for you... right? After all - you believe and praise killing anyone who opposes what you believe in … correct?! You are a waste of atoms and oxygen.
And the war is not a war against Islam! How uninformed are you? Do you really believe that? Are you that misguided? Did you break 500 on your SAT’s? (total score) – did you break 10 on your ACT’s?

To continue on…
“Nidal opened fire on soldiers who were on their way to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. How can there be any dispute about the virtue of what he has done?”

Virtue? You are sick and if you believe you are a religious and good man ... you better re-evaluate and look into the mirror. You are a coward. You are weak and you cannot see beyond the lenses of hate and anger. There IS a war going on. Nobody likes that fact, but do you believe your tactics and beliefs or the act of murder actually make things better? Do you think he is a martyr? Do you believe his actions actually heal and work towards peace? Shame on you. I wonder if you even have a soul... and if you do ... i fear for it for your sake.

You keep using the word 'Honor'. If you believe there is honor in innocent murder, you are a fool. It is 'possible' you may be intelligent, but quite possibly the most misguided, stupid-“intelligent” person I have ever heard speak. I have one very simple question for you to ponder. Is your mission peace? If it is – I suggest you quit your job. If your mission is killin’ and prasin’ (sounds like a new song I will write for you) – then I guess you are on your way to be CEO.

And by the way, he will not be forgiven…. except by the likes of you…

If you want my cell phone or want to have a 1-1 discussion with me, please let me know. I am a peaceful man - and I challenge you to this request.

Umm Ayman said...

Dan you disgust me. Your place will soon be in the fire. And no matter what you and your kuffar allies try to do to prevent the Islamic State well let me just tell you that it is inevitable. Guess what we have answers and information to the truth and unless you are willing to go and find the truth for yourself I suggest you shut your mouth and do what you best. Pay your mortgage, spend money on worldly things, and east lavishly while others starve.

Andreas Firewolf said...

Dear sir,

I do not agree with armed conflict. Using physical weapons often makes a situation worse.
But I am aware of the suffering of many Muslims, of the Palestinians and many other people.
I live in the Netherlands. Perhaps you did hear about Geert Wilders, an anti-Muslim fanatic. He is not alone in the Netherlands with his hatred against everything that is not Jewish or Christian. In the Netherlands it has become common to say and write the most awful things about Muslims.
Instead of using physical weapons, I recommend economic weapons. Like a complete boycott of the Netherlands. See my website for details.

With kind regards,
Andreas Firewolf

leo said...

Kihineh, you bring up some very good points, all one sided of course. According to your comments, I guess I should feel shame and guilt for the fact that I was born in America. Well my prejudice friend, we have starving people here too, as well as victims of violent crimes, of course compared to Arab countries our domestic violence crime rate is higher here due to the fact that it is a crime here and not there, LOL, I am glad for your sake you didn't throw your IQ in the mix there. A lot of the population in the United States that actually has obesity issues is from the lack in quality of food they eat, not the quantity. When exactly did it become the United States responsibility to feed, clothe and shelter the world? It is the Arab governments that have robbed the Arab people not us, I am sure we would all be more than happy to trade one bushel of grain for every barrel of oil, what the heck, lets make one bushel of grain and one bushel of apples, how does that sound to you? We get our pockets picked every day from opec because we have the highest demand. Now, if the Arab population is not getting taken care of by their government, that between them and their government. There is plenty of suffering here that our citizens need to take care of, so if you ever feel the need to kill someone over your pain, just kill yourself, and let everyone else take care of their own.

muadmz said...

@Leo - (Ill answer this in a few parts since it does not allow me to write too much on one comment) Nice to see a good feedback. But I have to say on the IQ bit, I would still be able to give myself a higher score since Im western educated myself and gained all my knowledge in Politics, Psychology, History and Int. Relations all from Western Universities. Hence I know the importance of having a good source when it comes to any debate or even proving a point which has any significant effect on another persons belief or view. Therefore, I will try my best to give you valid and reasonable sources for any accusations I might make. So where can I start?

1) Did you know for a fact that United States IQ level is estimated at around 98 and is even below China?

2) As for United States obesity, its not just about whats in the food. As Dr. David Katz, medical contributor to ABC News states in regards to US Obesity "We eat too much, we do too little. That's all there is."

"In the United States, a whopping 74 percent of adults are either overweight or obese, causing diabetes and heart disease to skyrocket, Katz said."

One might argue that its the food we eat or the the ingrediants inside it which causes obesity. If this is the case why are American Citizens not going after their government for this? Why aren't the majority of its citizens not demanding Fast Food chains to be closed and an alternative healthier outlet in replacement? From how I see it, the whole fast food, eat junk and candy lifestyle is now a culture and also a symbol of American foreign policy as its food chains like McDonalds try to expand to developing nations and are seen by many in these nations as a symbol of American Imperialism. The American Chronical seem to even conclude in one of its studies that the US economy runs on greed, "Since greed, seems to run the economy, the larger the better!"

muadmz said...

3) Americans pay tax and its government representatives whose salaries are paid by your tax talk about the US being the police of Freedom around the world. Yet did you know that for a fact that after it was tired of invading and killing people in other countries for decades, they found a new method of being a colonial power - one without having to send their troops into other countries. The great this about this was that when American soldiers do not die in a foreign country, there will not be any eyebrows raised at home. This is simple logic. Look at how the American population was silent when it came to the genocides, torture, corruption, rapes, human rights violations in Rwanda, Lebanon, Palestine and pretty much most of Latin America.
After 1934, 'all American troops had been withdrawn from Latin America, except for those at the military and naval bases maintained in Panama and in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba'. After that, the US supported dictatorships financially and at times had no choice but to send troops to maintain military regimes in Latin America. It did not matter if these regimes were not liked by its population or even if it committed what under International Law is termed as "genocide". The US pretty much plundered the wealth of Latin America. Hence just as their economy was built on slavery and exploitation of foreign labour, it economy went further to being one of the most developed nations by stealing the wealth of the latin american people who majority is now anti-american (clearly seen by the number of socialist or communist parties winning elections in the region - currently majority of latin america). Hence the exact thing the US fought in Latin America due to socialist/communist oppostion to having any American multi-national company on its soil is now won majority of the Presidential elections in South America.

muadmz said...

It all hit the news suddenly because as soon as the military coup was initiated, CNN, Fox News and other Pro-US media had already started stating that the Chavez government had been overthrown by its military and I personally watched US Whitehouse spokeman at the time state on CNN that the US will accept the new government of Venezuela and will try to work in building a free country for all its people. How about mentioning the fact that no military coup can be compared to an election? Or giving its concerns of the development?.. unless they already knew about it? Well we all found out later what was going to happen. US and its ally in Venezuela was humiliated on what happened next.. and to top it off, when the coup took place, there was a Western news crew from one of the British News Channels (if Im not mistaken) at the time.
(The documentary "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" is a must watch for all!)

What happened next if you do not know on this is, the poor slums of Venezuela woke up and when it found out that their democratically elected leader who they love so much was overthrown - the poor was outraged? Why? Simple - They knew their rights under the constitution and they were not going to let anyone get rid of Chavez without a fight. So one by one.. they came out of their homes and walked, drove, packed in buses from all around the country and went on their way to the capital. They voted for Chavez under international monitors (in case your mind think of anything dodgy), hence they value their vote. When they vote they know Chavez delivers his promises to the poor as best as he can. In the end, they got their leader back and sent the American supported opposition fleeing to the US with their imperialistic plans disgraced. If you see the documentary, you will see how US helicopter was actually even used kidnap Chavez to an isolated place.

muadmz said...

U.S tried various methods of toppling these democratically elected leaders, however due to the popularity of these leaders socialist leaders among its people and the growing dislike of American foreign policy of centuries of indirect killing (via support of dictators, etc).. the U.S is now unable to have a big influence or even act as a mediator in that region for any type of dispute. Why? simply because they know that any american mediation comes with a hidden agenda. In Venezuela the U.S funded and supported a military coup against Hugo Chavez who is very popular with the country's poor population which is the majority logically since in most developing countries the wealth is mostly at the hands of the minority rich. Now here, the rich was very anti-socialism and their way of life was capitalism and luxury. The government of Venezuela made it hard for any capitalist company to flourish. Hence the US gave millions of dollars to the opposition in Caracus and funded an opposition controlled news channel ( Radio Caracas Televisions (RCTV)) in a pre-planed overthrow of the Chavez government.


muadmz said...

If you want to know the amount of dictators that US has supported, it is unimaginable. Nearly all of the below dictators were funded, supported and even given a close eye by the US in return for high influence in their country's internal, foreign and economical policies. Not to mention nearly all of these dictators are responsible for documented killings of their opponents, supporting armed mercenaries who rape and kills women and children without hesitation. The most recent example is in Philipines where the killing of opponents by a political family which helped the current President in the country win the presidency was exposed. Ofcourse they will have no choice but to show the media they are putting those responsible to justice, but if you ever been to a prison in a third world country, you will know that prisons for friends of the ruler can be very confortable and with the access of internet, who really needs to go out much. Once everything is out of the media, they can reduce the sentence and one day after that let the cuprits go with a small fine. Before I say too much, let me list you the list of dictators the great country of freedom and human rights have supported directly:

Abacha, General Sani ----------------------------Nigeria
Amin, Idi ------------------------------------------Uganda
Banzer, Colonel Hugo ---------------------------Bolivia
Batista, Fulgencio --------------------------------Cuba
Bolkiah, Sir Hassanal ----------------------------Brunei
Botha, P.W. ---------------------------------------South Africa
Branco, General Humberto ---------------------Brazil
Cedras, Raoul -------------------------------------Haiti
Cerezo, Vinicio -----------------------------------Guatemala
Chiang Kai-Shek ---------------------------------Taiwan
Cordova, Roberto Suazo ------------------------Honduras
Christiani, Alfredo -------------------------------El Salvador
Diem, Ngo Dihn ---------------------------------Vietnam
Doe, General Samuel ----------------------------Liberia
Duvalier, Francois --------------------------------Haiti
Duvalier, Jean Claude-----------------------------Haiti
Fahd bin'Abdul-'Aziz, King ---------------------Saudi Arabia
Franco, General Francisco -----------------------Spain
Hitler, Adolf ---------------------------------------Germany
Hassan II-------------------------------------------Morocco
Marcos, Ferdinand -------------------------------Philippines
Martinez, General Maximiliano Hernandez ---El Salvador
Mobutu Sese Seko -------------------------------Zaire
Noriega, General Manuel ------------------------Panama
Ozal, Turgut --------------------------------------Turkey
Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Reza ---------------Iran
Papadopoulos, George --------------------------Greece
Park Chung Hee ---------------------------------South Korea
Pinochet, General Augusto ---------------------Chile
Pol Pot---------------------------------------------Cambodia
Rabuka, General Sitiveni ------------------------Fiji
Montt, General Efrain Rios ---------------------Guatemala
Salassie, Halie ------------------------------------Ethiopia
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira --------------------Portugal
Somoza, Anastasio Jr. --------------------------Nicaragua
Somoza, Anastasio, Sr. -------------------------Nicaragua
Smith, Ian ----------------------------------------Rhodesia
Stroessner, Alfredo -----------------------------Paraguay
Suharto, General ---------------------------------Indonesia
Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas -----------------------Dominican Republic
Videla, General Jorge Rafael ------------------Argentina
Zia Ul-Haq, Mohammed ----------------------Pakistan
Mohamed Hosni MUBARAK -----------------Egypt

muadmz said...

The US is trying to change Islam to what fits best for them. With the billions of dollars it has obviously its going to be able to make some impact since I would have to guess that atleast half of the Muslims in the world currently does not practice their religion fully or know their Islamic history of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in depth. Most of them learn what their parents teach them without verifying it from the Quran, Sunnah or the Hadith (which are the main sources in learning Islam). Hence, generation after generation, people have been influenced by nationalism, capitalism and the idea of moderate muslims which can co-exist with this world and the idea of living to the fullest in this world. So the son or daughter would keep asking the father or mother on their opinion and take these things as facts. At times they would even go against a very well knowledged scholar and believe their parents or friends without even knowing if what their parents or friends are stating is true or from which source. Hence, this big vast majority of Muslims are easily influenced and are sadly quick to judge others while they should be concentrating on their own faith first. I can only pray that they get guided, but Allah (swt) has already mentioned that only a minority will be on the right path always. So its logical that you cant be tested if we are living in a perfect world. You have to go out and live life trying to spread the message of Islam to friends, collegues, etc. The Christians are going all around the world with their missionaries, but we do not go crying out they are out on an evil agenda. But when Muslim scholars go out and teach the truth, they are put into prisons by governments supported by the US. This is mainly because Islam preaches very much against dictatorship, kings and anything luxurious or corrupt. Ill just give one example for this one since its not hard to know that many Muslims scholars are in prison. Corrupt states simply call them 'extremist' or 'terrorist' and that gives them full support of the US to put them in prison.

muadmz said...

It also prides in itself of holding the best example of transparent elections and the voice of support when it comes to ruling the country by majority votes. Hence when the democrats won the elections by a majority, even if the republicans do not like it.. fact is in a democracy they have to accept it right? Even if one day the KKK won the American elections, the fact is the people who does not like it have to accept it right? Is that not democracy? Their views might be very extreme, but if they wont it fairly under international monitors, it would be a fair election and other governments would recognize it too, if not what is a democratic election? But in the case of Gaza when the US and its allies were shocked and pretty much of Arab dictators pissed in their pants when Hamas won the parliamentary elections held under the monitoring of the Jimmy Carter foundation - which stated that the elections in Gaza was one of the most transparent and fairest from all of the middle east. But one problem, Hamas did not support American foreign policy which was Pro-Israel. Hence the US and its allies in Europe decided that Hamas cannot be a legitimate government if it does not recognize Israel or does not want peace with Israel. I did not know the democracy was that flexible for change. Hell, I should try that out also every now and then.. maybe human rights is flexible too? Lets tell all the Muslim and other anti-american fighters know of this, shall we? Ofcourse if we want to look a the best example of democracy, we must learn from the US right? Since it sees itself as the protector of human rights around the world.

muadmz said...

Next the US has split Islam successfully and I have to say this is one of their best methods ever which actually works. Since many Arabs got corrupt in the last Khalifah with the spoils of war, the middle east became a rich and prosperous place filled with kingdoms, etc. Soon Arabs started being proud of having Islam spread from their race just as the Jews did. Eventhough most of the poor people in these regions did not have the ego, the rich had this pride which passed on from on generation to another. It is the same pride that nationalism brought to Egypt, Saudi Arbia, etc.. and what the U.S has for its citizens now. It can be compared to English football, the pride that hadcore fans have for their clubs even if the club is at rock bottom of the league table, they would spill their blood on the street fighting an opponent team if it came to it. Its something once established, which is hard to get rid of. If you have studied psychology, you would understand how easy it is to influence a particular group of people and the different ways and methods of doing this.

muadmz said...

Mandela whose ANC party was accused of terrorism by the West in the 80's and labeled a terrorist organization by the Reagan Administration? Mandela himself was officially the Bin Laden of that time because of his violent attacks on the colonialist Government of South Africa which the US and its allies supported. In the end George Bush had to sign a special Bill that allowed Nelson Mandela to travel freely to the USA without going through a special process because the DHS classed him as a "terrorist." Extract from Mandela's defense from the dock at the opening of his 1964 trial:

"At the beginning of June 1961, after a long and anxious assessment of the South African situation, I, and some colleagues, came to the conclusion that as violence in this country was inevitable, it would be unrealistic and wrong for African leaders to continue preaching peace and non-violence at a time when the Government met our peaceful demands with force."

muadmz said...

Did you know that your government spends more money in military spending then the all the other nations in the world combined? US Military manufacturing is one of the biggest industries it has. Hence logically, if there is no wars in the world, the US economy would really get hit badly. Its unquestioned support for Israel is a fact for this with its exactly $3billion in yearly aid which in turn is used to buy military weapons, plans, helicopters all from American companies. This one you can google if you just give a minute of your valued time for the sake of knowledge.

The fact is that the state of Israel is described, even by an Ex-US President Jimmy Carter, to be at the same level as the previous apartheid state of Africa. Anyone that openly supported the apartheid government of South Africa would be counted as an racist & extremist now.

One argument to not talk with Muslim fighters like Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.. given by many is that by giving into threats of bombs in the US means giving into the terrorists. This thinking was first introduced to this world by the former U.S President Bush junior who stated that "We do not negotiate with terrorist". It is a concept and statement that is weak and unrealistic. Every conflict resolution professor you talk to would tell you that no war has been resolved without talking about the problem by both sides. Did not the West consider Mandela as a terrorist at one time? The Americans were so proud of their support for Israel and their military power that now they are stuck in two wars which they cannot win.

muadmz said...

RAND Corporation - which Anwar Awlaki gave a lecture on how it suggest to the US Government on how to defeat Muslims and split their strength by giving feedback on current strategies which have failed and what is working and ways to improve the Military and Propaganda strategies in order to have more regional influence around the world comes out with various publications that Muslims should really read before they start accusing others. Especially those that are from the US and loves their country. One quote on their latest foreign policy is as follows.

"Given these shortcomings, we propose a different approach that
involves a series of unilateral de-escalation measures by Washington
and continued muscular multilateral efforts targeted at Iranian behaviors
that are at odds with international norms (e.g., the nuclear issue
and links to terrorism). Rather than a broad U.S.-based containment
strategy, we suggest leveraging international pressure while unilaterally
de-escalating U.S. rhetoric and policy toward Iran (essentially, reversing
the traditional good cop/bad cop roles)."

"The United States should identify and exploit areas where genuine
collaboration can be productive and profitable, without harboring
expectations for broader diplomatic breakthroughs."

muadmz said...

As I always do when trying to give a good example of a good Muslim who fought for freedom, I point out Malcolm X who fought for freedom of African Americans in the US while they were spat on, their women were raped in prison and humiliated, which are all now in the US public libraries. His quotes are famous, but the best one out there atleast in my opinion is.

Malcolm X : "There is nothing in our book, the Qur'an, that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone lays a hand on you, send him to the cemetery."

As I always do when trying to give a good example of a good Muslim who fought for freedom, I point out Malcolm X who fought for freedom of African Americans in the US while they were spat on, their women were raped in prison and humiliated, which are all now in the US public libraries. His quotes are famous, but the best one out there atleast in my opinion is.

Malcolm X : "There is nothing in our book, the Qur'an, that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone lays a hand on you, send him to the cemetery."

Ashhab said...

mashaALLAH kihineh.....I love ur deeds....

May ALLAH accept ur hard efforts and grant Us all victory blessings and protectionn both here and hereafter....
PEACE to all people of conciousness.

a brother from India.