Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ed Begley Jr. on FOX News

Ed Begley Jr. was spewing a massive amount of emissions on FOX News Channel yesterday when he was shouting at Stuart Varney, sitting in for Neil Cavuto.

I think Begley must be a bit stressed due to the revelations that the scientific community promoting the theory of man-made global warming/climate change has been manipulating the public, hiding findings, falsifying research, and generally screwing with the people's right to know.

Begley won't even consider the possibility that the science on the subject isn't settled. He refuses to entertain the notion that the debate is ongoing, even in the face of the scandal

He raises his voice. He leans in toward Varney and shakes his finger in his face. Varney gets quite animated as well.

Video, from Big Hollywood.

I love this quote from Begley:

What is an Easy Bake Oven, the little kids' toy, an Easy Bake Oven? Why does a light bulb...? A light bulb is a little mini-toaster!

My house is full of mini-toasters!

Of course, Begley and like-minded environmental extremists must have some concern that Climategate will derail their efforts.

They have to know that the mainstream media boycott on the scandal won't make it go away.

That has to be discouraging.

Sen. James Inhofe is launching an investigation. It's definitely not going away.



Read a sampling of the hacked e-mails.

Read "Global Warming With the Lid Off."


Unknown said...

I'd give Begley a break. He's had a rough week. He just found out for the second time in his life that Santa Claus is not real.

Mary said...

Yes, poor Ed.