Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Seth Meyers, Sarah Palin - David Letterman (Video)

Video, from Breitbart


DAVID LETTERMAN: You know, we mentioned, and this involves you and your show and what you do for a living, in the Sarah Palin book. And she refers to her appearance on your program in the book. How did you react to that?

SETH MEYERS: Well she, you know, she came on last October and...

LETTERMAN: Big, huge deal.

MEYERS: Huge deal and she was a great sport, and it was really pleasant to work with her, and big rating. It was great. Um, but she says in the book that we had taken her mantra, 'Drill, baby, drill,' and tried to make a rude double entendre about it. And I just want to come here tonight on the record and say that's 100 percent true.

(Laughter, applause)

We absolutely did because...

LETTERMAN: I see, just to clear up the confusion.

MEYERS: Yeah, 'cause I know the AP is checking her facts but she nailed that one. And, uh... 'cause Amy Poehler did a rap, and the original line that Amy had written was, 'When we're in Wasilla, It's Chill, baby, chill-a, In the bedroom with Todd, It's Drill, baby, drill-a.'

She said no to that. She was absolutely right to say no to that. That showed excellent judgment. Although I think it's a cautionary tale, which is, if you go around the country saying 'Drill, baby, drill' all the time it's like a statistical probability that at some point someone's gonna make a double entendre about it.

LETTERMAN: Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think it is a pretty good...

MEYERS: You can't just go around saying that.

LETTERMAN: Pretty good likelihood. Exactly. It's the same thing with taking a walk with a goat.

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