Thursday, December 17, 2009

Al Franken and Joe Lieberman (Video)

Al Franken threw his weight around today, refusing to allow Joe Lieberman to complete his remarks.

John McCain was really ticked off by Franken's heavy-handed tactics, punishing Lieberman.

This is your federal government under Democrat control. This is what Obama's promised "change" looks like in practice.

Total BS.

This isn't even the status quo that Obama always moans about. It's worse than the same old, same old. This is the oppposite of improvement.

Frankly, the Obama regime sucks.


Unknown said...

I just can't believe that any US senator would be such a petty, petty little man. Franken shows his character, none. He hould of stayed a 'comedian' and saved the rest of us the embarasment.

Jim said...

Way to go Al! Stand up to Stuffed Shirts. Its about time somebody did something about that wrong headed wanna be Lieberman.

Unknown said...

There you go, Jim being, yet another example of Intolerance that is Liberalism.

If you do not agree with the lock step liberals you will be silenced!

Dissent of this administration will NOT be tolerated!

tim said...

If you do not agree with the lock step liberals you will be silenced!

This is an example of taking an incident out of context, exaggerating with hyperbole and in the process missing the point.

Franken was doing his job, which was to enforce the rules of the meeting as had been agreed upon (outside of this clip), and exactly as McCain has done in the past when he was in a similar position.

Using the clip to promote some political agenda to discredit him or his party is pure manipulation of the truth...propaganda.