Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chris Dodd Retires

Buh-bye, Chris Dodd. It's over. He's going to fade away.

From Politico:

Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) plans to announce Wednesday that he will retire from the Senate at the end of the year, capping a 30-year career where he rose to become one of the chamber's most influential members, several Democratic sources told POLITICO Tuesday night.

Dodd’s decision to retire is, at first glance, a blessing to Senate Democrats who worried they would have trouble holding the seat with the embattled senator in the race. Now Democrats expect that Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal will run in Dodd’s place, giving the party a stronger nominee in a race that was widely believed to be a toss-up.

The Democrats are really running scared.

In addition to Dodd being forced into "choosing" retirement, Sen. Byron Dorgan is also being forced out of the Senate.

Is this the beginning of a 2010 election bloodbath for the Dems?

Russ Feingold probably doesn't feel threatened at all in terms of his personal political future. The Republicans STILL don't have a candidate.

How can Wisconsin Republicans be wasting this great opportunity?

Get it together.

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