Thursday, January 21, 2010

ObamaCare Chappaquiddick


Anonymous said...

I'm about as Pro-Life and anti the current Health Care "reform" as possible. But this cartoon is remarkably insensitive to Mary Jo Kopeckne, not to mention her family.

Why come down to their level?

Mary said...

It is a shocking image.

I suppose one could say that it was "remarkably insensitive" to Mary Jo Kopechne and her family for the people of Massachusetts to keep Ted Kennedy in office as their U.S. senator for nearly half a century.

Anonymous said...

Why use the misguided morals of Massachusetts votes as your standard for what's acceptable?

Why exploit an innocent 3rd party to make an obvious political point?

Mary said...

I wouldn't spend a lot of energy debating the merits of this cartoon.

What matters is that Scott Brown is #41.

If Massachusetts sends a Republican to Washington, all Dems should be worried about their futures.