Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sally Quinn and Scott Brown

Sally Quinn of the Washington Post is nuts.

She argued that Scott Brown is having success running against Martha Coakley because he's a "hunk."

How goofy!

Is that why Curt Schilling supports him, Sally?



BILL O'REILLY: Would you believe that President Obama -- and Karl Rove doesn't believe that President Obama's gonna be that hurt that much, I do -- What do you think, Ms. Quinn?

SALLY QUINN: I don't think he will be that hurt. And I do agree with you. I think it's a very bold thing for him to go up there and take the chance that, uh, that uh, Coakley may lose and still invest that much of his own reputation, uh, on the election. But I think that there are a number of factors here. It's not as black and white as it may seem.

First of all, Scott Brown is a hunk. And I think that the fact that he posed semi-nude in a magazine gave him a huge advantage in terms of public recognition.

O'REILLY: Well, wasn't that when he was one year old, one or two years old, one of those baby pictures? Come on. Come on, Ms. Quinn, you can't sit there and tell me the guy does this in 1982 for Cosmo and this gives him a huge advantage in 2010. When does the statute of limitations run out on bellybuttons? I mean, when does that happen?

QUINN: Did I criticize him? No.

O'REILLY: You said it gives him an advantage that he posed in some dopey magazine in '82!? Come on.

QUINN: I'm simply saying that... name recognition. Name recognition, that's all. It made him a recognizable public figure which he was not before. And also a lot of women think he's really cute.

Oh my God. I think Sally Quinn has morphed into Snooki from Jersey Shore.

It's idiotic for Quinn to suggest that Brown has name recognition from a silly 1982 photo and that has propelled him into a position to be elected to the U.S. Senate.

Moreover, I find Quinn's comments to be sexist. First, she insults Brown by referring to him in such a superficial manner. Then, she shamelessly insults the intelligence of women by insinuating that they would cast their votes based on Brown's appearance rather than his policies.

The stuff that Leftists like Quinn say can be so inappropriate and degrading sometimes. They are hardly the enlightened ones they make themselves out to be.

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