Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bill Maher and Jay Leno, March 31

Wednesday night was the first time Bill Maher was on The Tonight Show since Jay Leno got his desk back, returning as host.

It was no surprise that Maher smeared Republicans and conservatives and the Tea Partiers. Same old, same old.

I expected Maher to spend some of his segment attacking the Catholic Church and the Pope, but he didn't. I really thought he'd be unable to resist, especially because it's Holy Week.

Maybe NBC or Leno asked him to steer clear of the topic, not wanting to deal with complaints. Or maybe Maher himself decided to spare Catholics.

I think it probably had something to do with the time constraints. Maher seemed to want to be sure he had time to talk about pot.

When Leno was introducing Maher, he plugged his upcoming appearances, including the Riverside Theater in Milwaukee on April 10.

Here's the transcript of Maher's remarks about health care, the Tea Party movement, and Sarah Palin:

JAY LENO: I want to get your take on the health care thing. Tell me.

BILL MAHER: Dems win! Like, remember? Cubs win!

LENO: Did you think it would not pass?

MAHER: Well, I mean, Nancy Pelosi... finally someone in the Democratic Party with balls. Uh, well, yes, we were all thinking it might not, but I have to say I thank the Teabaggers.

LENO: The Teabaggers. OK.

MAHER: Any Teabaggers here tonight? They're the ones who got it passed. And I'm sure they're saying, 'What are you talking about, Bill? I was so against the health care bill I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging from my hat, dressed up in my Founding Fathers costume, with a picture of Hitler, you know, and Obama's face on him, and you know, screaming about his birth certificate.'

And America saw that and said, 'What loons! We're going with the calm black man.' These idiots can't even spell 'go back to Kenya,' you know.

Sarah Palin screaming about death panels? You know what, Sarah? If we were killing off useless people you'd be the first to know.

LENO: But now, the GOP not giving up. Now they want to repeal this thing. They want to replace it with a new one.

MAHER: Oh, they're such sore losers. True, sore losers. And I'm not just talking about the gunfire.

LENO: Yeah.

MAHER: I mean, you expect that from the Right-wing when they lose a political battle, of course -- the bricks through the window, the death threats on phone machines, you know. That's all acceptable. You know, you have to throw a little tantrum when freedom as we know it dies because I know it means, what it means to be a patriot is to make sure that kids don't get check-ups.

But fillibustering? What a 'pussified' way to fight any battle. I mean, you know what the fillibuster is.

LENO: Of course. Of course.

MAHER: I mean, you know, it's supposed to be a rare procedural act, only brought out for very special occasions, like birthday sex for husbands.


MAHER: But, you know, that is a way to ensure that nothing happens is the fillibuster because you need 60 votes. And, you know, 60 percent of America can't agree on anything. I mean, 60 percent of America doesn't believe in evolution.

LENO: Right.

MAHER: Forty percent of them think Darwin is the first husband on Bewitched.

Maher --

Not a class act.

Video -- complete interview.


Lar Cnagas said...

I've been praying for Bill Maher for some time now. Really. I can barely believe the bad examples he sets, particularly on his atheism and ultra liberalism. I was rather pleased that, at least on several other fronts (issues of infidelity, the economy, and pot) Jay Leno at least took a slightly higher road, seemingly unafraid to be Maher's opposition. Good for you, for the moment, Jay.

Harvey Finkelstein said...

What filibuster? There was no filibuster. And the bullets went through a Republican's office.

Maher is a liar.

Mary said...

A few times, Maher called Leno "grandpa" because of his statements on infidelity and pot. At least Leno didn't come off like a complete loon.

And you're right, Harvey. I was thinking the same thing.

handy77 said...

Those of you who don't like Bill ARE stoic yesterday people. AKA NOT HIP! We need more people like him. "Praying for Bill" my ass! You're full of the proverbial "it".

Unknown said...

The beauty of this country is that we can all believe in what we want, pray/worship what we want, and be individuals.

Bill Maher is not afraid to point out the negatives about both sides of the political spectrum. I'm sorry, but whether you're a republican, a democrat, green party, tea party, independant, individual, etc.. etc.. etc.. you can suck it up and admit when your "party" is WRONG.

If more people started doing that, maybe our political landscape would be more like it was in the golden days. Politicians would be PUBLIC SERVANTS and not CAREER POLITICIANS.

You want to save the United States of America? Stop being tools, start listening to each other, and work towards a common goal and COMPROMISE instead of trying to push your beliefs on everyone.

Don't even get me started on the state of Arizona. Oh hey! Go carry this AK-47 and Sniper Rifle around with you! Also, if that "brown" guy has his pants hanging even a centimeter below his waist, you better pull him over and ask for his "papers" because he looks suspicious!

What's next? We're going to start making Jews wear the star of david again?

Bill Maher is the LEAST of anyone's worries right now. Why don't we dig ourself out of the deficit that our former hillbilly, fake-cowboy President threw us into when Bill Clinton left us with a wonderful surplus as he left office.

Sweet Christmas.. "pray for Bill Baher." You can pray for people that don't believe in what you believe in. I'm all about people practicing their own religious faith, but why would you pray for someone just because they don't share your exact beliefs? Please.