Monday, May 17, 2010

Elena Kagan: Pro-Abortion

Of course, Elena Kagan is staunchly pro-abortion.

Obama picked her.

From Aaron Klein:

Elena Kagan, President Obama's pick for the U.S. Supreme Court, contributed financially to and was a listed member of an organization whose stated goal is to promote access to abortion services and blocks attempts to limit female "reproductive rights."

Kagan's listed herself as a member in the National Partnership for Women and Families, or NPWF, which seeks "to increase women's access to ... reproductive health services and block attempts to limit reproductive rights ... and to give every woman access to ... abortion services."

...Kagan has no judicial record to point to her beliefs on key issues, but in 1991 she criticized a Supreme Court decision allowing the government to ban the use federal money for abortion.

Kagan termed the ban "government hostility toward some ideas."

WND reported last week how Kagan argued government funds must not be granted to any religious organizations seeking to prevent teen pregnancies, since such groups may "inject" religious teaching.

However, WND has learned that when questioned during Senate hearings earlier this year about her argument – made in a 1987 legal brief – Kagan reversed course and called her own memo "the dumbest thing I ever read."

What's dumb is to pretend that Kagan doesn't share Obama's Leftist agenda and she wouldn't serve as Obama's rubberstamp when it comes to promoting and upholding it.

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