Tuesday, May 4, 2010

South Park Link to Times Square Car Bomb?

The White House finally acknowledged that the car bomb in Times Square was an act of terrorism.

I guess that means Janet Napolitano will no longer be yapping about it being a
"one off" event.

There was definitely a rush to judgment in the case by Napolitano. She declared that the device wasn't very sophisticated, as if that indicated those responsible weren't acting in the name of a terrorist organization.

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke as if he wanted to believe this was not related to radical Islam.

“There is no credible evidence so far that this attack was more than at least one person, the driver,” said Mayor Mike Bloomberg. “After that there is no evidence that anyone else was involved. It may be, but we can’t say that it is.”…

“If I had to guess, twenty five cents, this would be exactly that,” Bloomberg said. “Homegrown maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.”

With all due respect, Bloomberg's comments are reprehensible.

Why didn't Bloomberg "guess" that it was a Muslim extremist rather than someone upset about the health care bill?

Absolutely idiotic.

Now that we know this wasn't a Tea Party activist turned terrorist, this question is more relevant:

Was this attempted terrorist attack about a
South Park episode?

From the
Washington Times:
The motive remained unclear. The Pakistani Taliban appeared to claim responsibility for the bomb in three videos that surfaced after the weekend scare, monitoring groups said. New York officials said police have no evidence to support the claims. It was unclear if the suspect in custody had any relationship to the group.

The SUV was parked near offices of Viacom Inc., which owns Comedy Central. The network recently aired an episode of the animated show "South Park" that the group Revolution Muslim had complained insulted the Prophet Muhammad by depicting him in a bear costume.

Here's more on the South Park link, from FOX News.

The notion that detonating a bomb and murdering innocents is an appropriate way to respond to free speech is truly sick.

It ticks me off that the Tea Party activists have been so vilified by Obama and the Leftists, yet the administration worries about offending the people really posing a threat to our safety, our lives.

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