Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jon Stewart: Obama, You're Frodo!

Jon Stewart mocked Obama and took him to task for his litany of broken promises.

Of course, Stewart slams George W. Bush and Sarah Palin in the process; but what's noteworthy is that Stewart has called out Obama for his lies, particularly about executive authority.


The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Respect My Authoritah
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

JON STEWART: Your campaign was premised on reining in presidential power! WHAT HAPPENED?

(Begin clip)

OBAMA: I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear...

(End clip)

STEWART: Oh, I see. You used to have a little. Now, you have a lot. Back in the old neighborhood, you used to say stuff like this:

(Begin clip)

OBAMA: Whether it was the run-up to the Iraq war or the revelation of secret programs, Americans often felt like part of the story had been unnecessarily withheld from them.

(End clip)

STEWART: And now, you have your own secret military programs that go beyond even what Bush was doing. You didn't think we'd find out?!?

You stumble in late at night. You stumble in late at night. We're not blind. You stumble in late at night, reeking of power, little traces of 'classified' on your collar. You're invoking 'state secrets' to quash suits against the government. You're saying we might not need to read Miranda rights to American citizens. You're arresting whistle blowers who expose government waste. You're lucky Barack Obama is not all over your sh--.

(Begin clip)

OBAMA: I know a little bit about whistle blowing and making sure that those folks get protection.

(End clip)

STEWART: So by 'protection' did you mean sunblock? Condoms? Because arresting them doesn't seem like protection. Hey, why even bother arresting people at all? Next thing you know, you'll be sitting in the White House stroking a cat, having people killed at whim.

(Begin clip)

KEITH OLBERMANN: The White House has authorized U.S. counterterrorism opera, operatives, to kill Anwar al-Awlaki, Muslim cleric and American citizen born in Las Cruces, New Mexico, in 1971, even if he is found far away from any combat zone.

(End clip)

STEWART: WOW! All right. I mean, he's a bad buy, runs an al Qaeda website from Yemen; but you complained when Bush just wanted to read Americans' e-mails without a warrant.

Wait a second. All that power that you didn't like when someone else had it, you decided to keep it. Oh, my God. You're Frodo. YOU'RE FRODO!

Mr. President, do you know what you need to do? Throw the Ring into the fires of Mount Doom and destroy it. I know. I know. You think you can be trusted with the power because you're not a bad person. You're just being stalked by a strange and twisted creature who wants to take the precious Ring from you.

(Photo of Gollum)

STEWART: No, no, no. Not him, the other one.

(Photo of Sarah Palin)

STEWART: Yeah, that's the one.


What does Stewart's criticism of Obama really tell us about him?

Could it be that Stewart is a racist?

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