Monday, June 21, 2010

Kris Barrett

Kris Barrett, Tom Barrett's wife, sent out a fundraising e-mail on Father's Day.

Subject line: On Father's Day, help make every penny count

Dear Friend,

Tom's energy and passion for public service is rooted in his unwavering commitment to our family. That’s why I’m proud he is running for governor: because I know he will fight for Wisconsin’s families like he fights for ours.

Tom's not one to throw a big celebration, especially on events for himself. So I'm asking for your help to make this Father's Day extra special for him by helping us get a head-start on meeting our fundraising goal for the upcoming June 30th reporting deadline.

Over the years I've learned that Tom takes managing our family's checkbook very seriously. Tom always says that every penny has a purpose, and a hundred pennies make a dollar, so you can count on Tom to put your donation to good use.

We weren't supposed to announce our fundraising goal of $50,000 until next week, but when Tom gets back in the office on Monday after spending time with our family, I know it will put a smile on his face to see how many pennies supporters like you have put toward our campaign of fighting for Wisconsin workers and families.

Help us gather enough pennies to get a head-start on our fundraising goal of $50,000 by June 30th by making a donation of $5.01, $10.01, $25.01, or $50.01 today.

Thanks for all of your help and happy Father's Day!

Kris Barrett

Let's make Tom's Father's Day extra special by donating to his campaign.

Isn't that sweet?

A Father's Day appeal from the wife of candidate Tom Barrett is so thoughtful!

It would be nice for Barrett to make a lot of fathers happy by doing something about unemployment and high taxes in Milwaukee. He could also put some effort into keeping sewage out of the lake and rivers.

That would be very nice.

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