Thursday, June 3, 2010

Scott Walker and Mark Neumann's 'Education Background'

Press Release: Scott Walker slams Neumann for his education background

When I saw that Mark Neumann's campaign had put out that press release I thought something was a bit off.

Why would Walker slam Neumann's education?

I read the release. The title is more than a bit off.

Here's the release:

Scott Walker: "He [Neumann] apparently needs to go back to school on doing a little more math here."

Neumann Campaign Responds: "If Walker had taken Mark Neumann's class he'd know his budget numbers don't add up. He's increased spending faster than Doyle."

WAUKESHA, Wis. - June 3, 2010 - Yesterday afternoon Scott Walker took the unusual step of attacking Mark Neumann's education background in response to new information on Scott Walker's spending record - he's increased spending faster than Democrat Governor Jim Doyle.

Specifically, Walker told reporters - as reported in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - that "He [Neumann] apparently needs to go back to school on doing a little more math here." Neumann, before starting his small business in 1984, was a high school math teacher for four years. He has an undergraduate degree, Master's degree, and has founded three Choice schools in inner city Milwaukee and a charter school in Arizona.

Mark Neumann's Campaign Manager - Chip Englander - responded with the following statement:

"This is the first time I'm aware Scott Walker has ever trashed someone else's education background. He's getting awfully defensive over his own budgets...."

It goes on.

In Walker's defense, I think it's ridiculous that Neumann's campaign is charging Walker with "trashing someone else's education background."

Walker's choice of words wasn't meant to be taken literally. He wasn't seriously saying that Neumann should sign up for some math classes pronto because his education is lacking.

Good grief.

Walker was responding to Neumann's charge that Walker "proposed increasing government spending faster than Gov. Doyle."

Does anyone really think that Walker is on the same page as Doyle (or Tom Barrett) when it comes to taxing and spending?

It's crazy. Neumann can't make Walker appear to be a wasteful, big government spender because he isn't.


jimspice said...

Yes, but there does seem to be a correlation between dropping out of college and abdicating governors chairs.

Mary said...

Explain the correlation and its relevance to the post.

jimspice said...

Palin dropped out of 4 colleges and subsequently resigned as governor. I was jokingly suggesting that since Walker is also a dropout, he may do the same if elected.

Mary said...


A college degree isn't a prerequisite for success.

Did Harry Truman say that? Not sure. He may have. Maybe not.

When it comes to college, Obama moved around a bit, too. And of course, he didn't come anywhere near to completing his first term as a U.S. senator before devoting himself to his presidential campaign. Dropout. Quitter.
