Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tom Barrett and the Beaches

Steamy summer temperatures are on their way for the weekend, a good time to head to the beach.

But don't go in the water! Check to make sure that it's safe and not hazardous to your health.

People at Bradford Beach today are warned to stay away from the water. Same goes for McKinley Beach and South Shore Beach and South Shore Rocky Beach and Watercraft Beach.

It probably has something to do with the dumping that occurred due to Tuesday's rain.

Calling Mayor Tom Barrett. Oh, Mr. Mayor, where are you?

Care to comment on the water quality?

We know how important the health of the Great Lakes is to Barrett.

TOM BARRETT: Our Great Lakes are home to thousands of miles of pristine shoreline and fragile ecosystems that also provide good-paying jobs to tens of thousands of Americans. Fisheries and outdoor recreation alone account for over $40 billion in economic activity annually for states in the region.

That is why I have always stood strong against attempts to drill for oil and gas in the Great Lakes. In 2001, I supported a federal ban on Great Lakes drilling, and in 2007 I stood up to BP when they were caught dumping tons of toxic sludge into Lake Michigan.

Someone needs to inform Barrett that the pristine shoreline isn't so pristine these days.

Have fun at the beach!

This is priceless: "Great Lakes mayors seek review of disaster plans."


James Rowen said...

The county controls the beaches, not the city.

Mary said...

We're talking about water quality, as in the crap being dumped in the lake.

If Barrett is proud of standing up to BP, why doesn't he demand that something be done about dumping sewage into the lake and the waterways.