Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ed Schultz: Harry Reid 'Ball-less,' 'Shove Republicans into Dirthole'

I know liberal talk radio hosts have minuscule audiences, so much of what they say often goes unnoticed.

Conservative hosts get all the attention. I think that has to do with the fact that they are so successful, having millions and millions of listeners. It also has to do with the fact that liberals, including Obama and Biden, are positively obsessed with giants in the industry like Rush Limbaugh.

I don't know if the unhealthy obsession stems from jealousy over conservatives' power to reach a large segment of the American people with a perspective that differs from the one touted by liberals and their mouthpieces in the lib media, or if they're simply terrified of being exposed as frauds and liars and incompetents. Maybe they're afraid of the truth.

In any event, liberal talkers are not under the microscope. They aren't attacked and mocked the way conservative talkers are.

Thanks to Brian Maloney, The Radio Equalizer, we get glimpses of the ugly underbelly of liberal talk radio.

MSNBC's Ed Schultz is an example.

Maloney highlights another Schultz meltdown.


Maloney provides portions of the transcript.

ED SCHULTZ: Do you think here in late July of 2010, after the 2008 election, almost two years, do you think the Democrats can finally get their freaking heads screwed on right and realize that the lefties put you in office TO DO SOMETHING! TO HELL WITH THE REPUBLICANS! THEY'RE ANTI-AMERICAN! THEY'RE PSYCHO TALKERS! THEY DON'T CARE!

SCHULTZ: How much focus has there been in the mainstream media about jobs being shipped overseas? Well, it's happening on The Ed Show. I don't know about anybody else's on any other network or anywhere else. THAT'S THE STORY! THAT'S WHERE AMERICANS ARE RIGHT NOW!

SCHULTZ: Look, Democrats, I'm your best friend. I've been across the country. I take thousands of emails. Our team works 16 hours a day. We do a TV and we do a radio show. I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON! But you sit back, and Harry, you are ball-less! You won't do the nuke option for the American people and shove the Republicans into the ditch! SHOVE THOSE BASTARDS RIGHT INTO THE DIRTHOLE! This is about power! It's about winning! It's about saving American lives! *That's* what this is about! And if I'm too excited or too passionate for you, I'm giving you the finger right now! Because I don't give a damn!

SCHULTZ: And oh by the way, the stimulus package isn't working. That's what O'Reilly and Ingraham, those two Nazis, are saying over on Fox News.

I never hear Obama complaining about Ed Schultz and his hate speech.


That's a little rough in my opinion.

The Leftists routinely express outrage over CLAIMS that Tea Partiers refer to Obama and his cohorts as Nazis.

So why is it OK to call Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham Nazis?

This is a killer:

"And if I'm too excited or too passionate for you, I'm giving you the finger right now! Because I don't give a damn!"

I think MSNBC and the Left should take a look in the mirror the next time they bash Limbaugh and other conservative radio talk show hosts as hatemongers.

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