Friday, July 30, 2010

Obama: Milwaukee Federal Disaster Declaration

UPDATE, August 11, 2010: No FEMA Aid for Milwaukee County for Flood Victims

Thanks, Obama, for nothing!


People are still reeling from the torrential rain that caused at least $46.5 million in damage in Milwaukee County.

Flooded basements resulted in the loss of appliances, including furnaces and water heaters. Flooded streets and parking lots resulted in vehicles being totaled. The flooding washed away foundations. Some people are likely to lose their homes.

If all that doesn't qualify as a disaster, then what would?

We keep hearing that FEMA is downplaying the damage.


So Obama can ride in and save the day by making a federal disaster declaration?

So Tom Barrett can claim victory in securing federal funds?

If that kind of political game-playing is happening, it's a disgrace. People who've lost so much and suffered so greatly shouldn't be used as pawns in some sleazy political game.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The growing list of municipalities looking for help from a state disaster fund would leave little money to help the Milwaukee area if President Barack Obama declines to issue a federal disaster declaration, according to figures detailed Thursday.

At best, the $800,000 put into the Wisconsin Disaster Fund would cover a fraction of the flood damage in Milwaukee County, now estimated to exceed $50 million.

Wisconsin Emergency Management draws money from the fund to help municipalities that are ineligible for federal disaster relief.

Local officials and residents are banking on federal dollars to help repair the homes and public infrastructure washed out in the near-record rains July 22 and 23.

Teams from the Federal Emergency Management Agency are assessing the storm and flood damage in Milwaukee County this week, and Gov. Jim Doyle is expected to request a federal disaster declaration based on their findings.

The damage estimate compiled by Milwaukee County Emergency Management reached $46.5 million on Wednesday. The figure includes flooded homes and businesses and destroyed public properties. A report from Milwaukee Public Schools added an additional $6.5 million to the total.

Local officials say they think the damage has been overwhelming enough for the area to qualify for federal assistance.

...Getter noted that if FEMA does not declare a federal emergency, victims will have trouble getting any government funding for damages.

"Unless there is a federal declaration, there will be few options for individuals," Getter said.

That would include the nearly 9,000 Milwaukee residents who reported water backed up in their basements. In the city, the Department of Neighborhood Services has ordered that four houses be razed immediately and declared that an additional 14 are not fit for habitation.

...With federal assistance weeks - if not months - away, local officials are asking for volunteers to help clean the flood-damaged homes of elderly and disabled individuals in Milwaukee.

In sum, if Obama does decide to make a federal disaster declaration, assistance still would be weeks or months away.

For flood victims, that's agonizingly slow, unacceptably slow.

It seems like a disaster declaration should be a no-brainer. Federal assistance is in order, but I suppose the money has to be rationed. FEMA has the power to deny. Citizens, taxpayers, are powerless.

You're suffering, but will the federal government decide you deserve help and assist you in a timely fashion?

Maybe, maybe not. You're at the mercy of the government.

Yeah, let's have the federal government control health care. Great idea!

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