Friday, August 20, 2010

Alan Grayson: Bush Let 9/11 Happen

Alan Grayson, Democrat congressman from Florida, is a darling of the MSNBC crowd, the wacko Left.

He's a boorish, loud-mouthed disgrace.

Some examples of Grayson's inexcusable remarks:

" I have trouble listening to what [Dick Cheney] says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he‘s talking."

Grayson calls Linda Robertson, an aide to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, a "K-Street whore."

Well, what about Bush, Jr.? What about Bush, Jr.? I remember Bush, Jr. kissing Prince Abdullah on the cheek and then holding his hand for an extended period of time. Maybe if he let him get to second base then gasoline would be a dollar a gallon.

Why would you put people in charge of government who just don't want to do it? I mean, you wouldn't expect to see al Qaeda members as pilots.

Naturally, MSNBC gives Grayson a forum to babble his drivel. He's on the exact same page and pushes the same agenda.

This time, however, Grayson has really gone too far.

He asserts that President Bush let 9/11 happen.


ALAN GRAYSON: But if we are going to talk about 9/11, why don't we talk about how not so much the people who died on 9/11 were disgraced by the possibility of an Islamic athletic center several blocks away? How about the fact that they were disgraced by a president who let it happen, who went on vacation the entire month of August after he was warned in writing that Osama bin Laden was actually finding targets in New York City and learning about how to take these planes and do terrible things with them? The thing itself said hijacking and they did nothing about it. So you tell me, why does President Obama have to be drawn into this as this point when the Republicans let us down this way so terribly and got us into two wars to boot?

...Who really let those people down on 9/11? Was it Barack Obama? Was it the people who want to build some kind of health club in downtown New York, or was it the president of the United States, right then, George W. Bush?

This guy is disgusting, yet the Democrats embrace him.



LL said...

Yes, he looks like Shrek, the lovable cartoon character. That's the only thing pleasant about Grayson.

I hopes he dies long -- painful -- and alone.

Mary said...

I wish his constituents would do the right thing and vote him out of office.