Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ron Johnson: DSCC Attack

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has Ron Johnson in its crosshairs.

Obviously, the Dems realize that Russ Feingold is very vulnerable.

Rasmussen has bad news for Feingold.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds Johnson earning 47% of the vote, while Feingold, who is seeking a third-term, picks up 46% support. One percent (1%) prefers some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are not sure.

Two weeks ago, Johnson held an identical 47% to 46% lead. These findings show little change since Johnson, a plastics manufacturer and businessman, entered the race in late May. Support for Johnson has ranged from 44% to 48%. In those same surveys, Feingold has consistently picked up 46% of the vote.

This really is bad news for Feingold and the Dems:
Among unaffiliated voters, Johnson leads Feingold by 10 points.


Feingold is in trouble.I guess his attack ads and lies aren't resonating with Wisconsin voters.

Understandably, the Dems are trying to help the floundering Feingold.

In a fundraising e-mail from Paul Begala for the DSCC, Johnson is attacked as an extremist.

These aren't your Mama's old-fashioned Eisenhower Republicans they're trying to elect. These folks are so far outside the political mainstream, roaming rates should apply:
---Wisconsin Senate candidate - and BP shareholder - Ron Johnson doesn't think burning fossil fuels - or any human activity, for that matter - causes global warming. He blames sunspots. Yep, sunspots. I think Ol' Ron has been out in the sun too long.

---Kentucky's Rand Paul thinks the federal government should butt out of making sure people with disabilities are treated fairly and coal miners don't die on the job. He opposes nearly all federal spending - except Medicare reimbursements for eye surgeons (Three guesses as to what Dr. Paul does for a living when he's not running for office.)

---Nevada's Sharron Angle wants to eliminate Social Security - leaving 390,553 vulnerable recipients to fend for themselves. She wants to abolish the U.S. Department of Education, and even supports a nuclear waste depository in Nevada. (Which one Nevada Republican once famously called a "nuclear waste suppository.")

These right-wingers will have history - and plenty of outside money - on their side. That's why I'm asking for your help once again. Without it, we won't be able to do everything we need to fight back. And we're facing one HECK of a fight.

Click here to give $5 or more to the DSCC. Aug. 31 is one of the final FEC deadlines before the election, and I'm asking you to help Democrats fight back. You'll be automatically entered for a chance to win* an iPad prize pack!

Money talks, but it can't drown out the voices of millions of grassroots supporters. We saw what our voices could do in 2008. It's time to start hollering again.


Paul Begala

The Dems are desperate, trying to paint Ron Johnson as a loon.

The EXTREME candidate in Wisconsin's U.S. Senate race is Russ Feingold.

Recall Feingold's horrific extremism on partial-birth abortion in this exchange he had with Senator Rick Santorum.

On September 26, 1996, during debate on
partial-birth abortion, Feingold revealed just how radically pro-abortion he is.


Sen. Santorum: Will the Senator from Wisconsin yield for a question?

Sen. Feingold: I will.

Sen. Santorum: The Senator from Wisconsin says that this decision should be left up to the mother and the doctor, as if there is absolutely no limit that could be placed on what decision that they make with respect to that. And the Senator from California [Sen. Barbara Boxer] is going up to advise you of what my question is going to be, and I will ask it anyway. And my question is this: that if that baby were delivered breech style and everything was delivered except for the head, and for some reason that that baby's head would slip out -- that the baby was completely delivered -- would it then still be up to the doctor and the mother to decide whether to kill that baby?

Sen. Feingold:
I would simply answer your question by saying under the Boxer amendment, the standard of saying it has to be a determination, by a doctor, of health of the mother, is a sufficient standard that would apply to that situation. And that would be an adequate standard.

Sen. Santorum: That doesn't answer the question. Let's assume that this procedure is being performed for the reason that you've stated, and the head is accidentally delivered. Would you allow the doctor to kill the baby?

Sen. Feingold:
I am not the person to be answering that question. That is a question that should be answered by a doctor, and by the woman who receives advice from the doctor. And neither I, nor is the Senator from Pennsylvania, truly competent to answer those questions. That is why we should not be making those decisions here on the floor of the Senate.

That exchange is absolutely chilling, so chilling that Feingold had the Congressional Record altered.

Feingold actually refused to say that the life of a baby who survived a late-term abortion should be protected.

That's not just being pro-abortion. That's pro-infanticide. Apparently, standing up against infanticide is above Feingold's pay grade.

The reality is Feingold does not represent the views of most Wisconsinites.

Again, who is the extremist in this race?

It's not Ron Johnson.

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