Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Russ Feingold DSCC E-Mail and Ron Johnson

In a fundraising e-mail, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee cites Russ Feingold as a Dem in danger of losing in November.

I've been running the numbers, and here's what you need to know: If Republicans win 10 seats, Mitch McConnell is Majority Leader. If that sounds implausible, here's another number: 25. Republican candidates have already been on the air in 25 states.

That's twice what they need to take back power. They would repeal health care reform, revoke Wall Street reform and return America to the same Bush policies that we are working alongside President Obama to undo.

Thousands of grassroots supporters - including you - can make the winning difference. We witnessed what coming together could accomplish two years ago, and it's time to unleash that power again. August 31 marks one of the last FEC deadlines before the election. We must make our goal to help fight attacks and mobilize voters for Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold and Patty Murray, and help get the truth out about Sharron Angle, Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina.

Your donations are already making a difference - we're running ads in Pennsylvania to help Joe Sestak defeat Mr. Wall Street: Pat Toomey. But we've got much more work to do. Karl Rove and his friends are expected to shell out $300 million in an effort to take back the Senate. That's enough money to blanket every state they need to win - times two - with attack ads and smear campaigns.

They're hoping the Democratic grassroots won't notice. They're hoping we'll be lulled into late-summer inaction. But they don't know you like I do. They forget that the support of thousands of online activists is what helped us flip 14 seats from red to blue in the past four years. They forget the tremendous effort that helped elect President Obama. And they forget what I never forget - that I can always count on your help when we really, truly need it.

Click here to give $5 or more to the DSCC. Aug. 31 marks one of the last FEC deadlines before the election. We absolutely MUST hit our goal if we are going fight this battle on all fronts. The combined effort of our grassroots supporters can ensure that we're moving our country forward!

The Republicans are coming after us with everything they've got. But we have a potent weapon - our broad network of activists who simply won't stop until the Senate is safe from GOP extremists. Thanks for all you do to help Democrats win.


J.B. Poersch

Still running against Bush.


The American people aren't buying the "Blame Bush" crap anymore.

The Democrats own this horrible economy. They own the whopping debt they created. They own Afghanistan. They own ObamaCare and immigration policy. They own the divisiveness they've sown. They own it all.

Now they want $5 from their "grassroots" supporters. Time to "pony up" again.

Back to Feingold--

He's vulnerable. That's not just a fundraising ploy by the DSCC. Read the polls.

Wisconsinites want hope and change, things Feingold's failed liberal policies can't deliver.

Ron Johnson is a common sense conservative, not an extremist.

Feingold is the extremist.

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