Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Poll: Walker - 50%, Barrett - 41%

According to the latest from Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos, the extremist, far Left website of hater Markos Moulitsas, Wisconsinites do not want a third-term of Jim Doyle. We are rejecting liberal Democrat Tom Barrett.

We want change. We want conservative and reformer Scott Walker to be the next governor of Wisconsin.

An enormous enthusiasm gap, coupled with a Republican nominee fresh from a decisive primary win and unsullied by the primary process, has catapulted Republican nominee Ron Johnson to a double-digit advantage over incumbent Democrat Russ Feingold, according to PPP's poll of the state on behalf of Daily Kos.

In November of 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama swept through the Midwest, winning many states (including Wisconsin) by double digits. Today, the President's numbers are nearly reversed in the Badger State: whereas Obama carried the state 56-42 in 2008, his job approval now is 41%, with 54% expressing disapproval. This is a tendency that has been mimicked throughout the Midwest, and may well explain why this region seems to be the one vexing Democrats the most this cycle.

The malaise with Democratic voters in the state is unmistakable, and is having a material impact on the races here. As our polling partner at PPP, Tom Jensen, noted:
Wisconsin is seeing one of the most severe enthusiasm gaps in the country. If turnout matched 2008 Johnson would be leading Feingold only 47-46 and Barrett would be ahead of Walker 46-44. Right now these races look very difficult but if Democrats wake up between now and November they have the potential to become toss ups.

Liberals are hoping Democrat voters wake up. What they don't understand is that voters are wide awake right now and they don't like what they see.
...One thing to bear in mind in this race, however, is the fact that Walker is less than one week removed from a high-profile primary in which he defeated former Congressman Mark Neumann. Barrett, meanwhile, was essentially unopposed, and had to expend little-to-no energy thus far. Democrats in the state are, without a doubt, hoping that some of the gap here is owed to a post-primary bounce, which will recede in the next week or two.

Democrats are going to be disappointed if they're hoping that Walker's support is due to a post-primary bounce.

Wisconsinites know that electing Tom Barrett, in effect voting for a third-term of Doyle, would be a disaster.

We want change, meaning we want jobs and opportunity.

We want change, meaning we want lower taxes.

We want change, meaning we want less government, not more reckless spending and webs of bureaucracy.

None of that has anything to do with a post-primary bounce for Walker.

I don't see malaise in Wisconsin. I see a lot of energy and determination to get the state back on track by electing Scott Walker.


Daily Kos/PPP Wisconsin Poll results here.

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