Tuesday, October 26, 2010

High Wind Warning: Pumpkin Watch

It's windy and it's going to get windier.

There's rain and thunderstorms and the possibility of tornadoes.

Expect trees down and power outages and the other damage that typically comes with fierce winds.

There could be injuries or deaths as a result of this storm.

However, if you're paying attention to the media in southeastern Wisconsin, you know that the greatest concern is the Halloween Express store at State Fair Park.

From 620 WTMJ:

The last time Southeastern Wisconsin saw winds like we are expecting for Tuesday and Wednesday was back in November of 1998. People all over our area are preparing for possible damage.

It's the busiest week of the year at Halloween Express at State Fair Park. But the dangerous wind gusts could cause major problems at the giant pumpkin.

"About two today we started trying to prepare," Halloween Express manager Shannon Tracy said.

Last time we got a big wind storm, the pumpkin crashed to the ground, and cost the company an estimated $100,000 in lost business and lost products. So to prepare for this expected storm, Halloween Express employees parked semi trailers around the pumpkin to block the wind.

"The trailers do ride up high enough that the wind that does make it up over the trailers is pretty much going to crest over the top of the pumpkin," Tracy said.

They're even using forklifts and some plywood to make sure none of the wind gets underneath the trailers.

"We just want to make sure the pumpkin stays open, stays upright," Tracy said.

I wonder if the local media have cameras set up documenting the pumpkin round-the- clock as it faces the storm.

I certainly hope the business is spared damage and all the employees are safe, but I think there needs to be some perspective here.

That temporary store isn't a national monument.

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