Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dr. Elizabeth Newhall and Rachel Maddow

"Women have abortions because they care about motherhood."

It's an absurd statement. It's monstrous.

Women kill their unborn babies because they care about motherhood. That's the way abortionist and abortion activist Dr. Elizabeth Newhall sees it. Other extremists, like Russ Feingold and Tom Barrett and Obama, agree.

I disagree.

Women have abortions because they don't care about the life they're carrying. If they did, they wouldn't destroy it.

Clearly, every year at least a million women don't want to allow the new life growing inside them to survive, so they have it killed.

Pro-abortion proponents, like Feingold and Barrett, unashamedly call condemning one million human lives to death "women's health."

It's sick.

In the vast majority of the cases, the abortions have absolutely nothing to do with the "woman's health."

Committing the unborn baby to death is a choice, an option, an easy way out of a difficult or inconvenient situation. It's a way of dealing with a "problem," an unwanted pregnancy.

This is tragic.

There are unwanted pregnancies, but there are no unwanted babies.

Someone in this world wants to love the child rejected by its mother. Don't you think that child wants to live?

I'm all for "reproductive freedom," but that shouldn't include the slaughter of the innocent, the weak, and the vulnerable.

Listen to Dr. Newhall talk about killing the unborn as if it's a positive. She calls it "excellent medicine."


No. Abortion is not excellent medicine, not in a society that respects and values life as a precious gift.



RACHEL MADDOW: Do you still feel like you‘re a target? When we called you today to talk to you about doing this interview, we had no idea whether you would feel comfortable being on television. Whether you would feel comfortable being identified. Do you still feel like you‘re under threat?

DR. ELIZABETH NEWHALL: I think we‘re all under threats every day. Anyone who provides abortion services. As I‘ve said before though, I‘m much more frightened by a world where women don‘t have reproductive freedom than I am personally. I really believe that this is excellent medicine. This is mandatory for public health and for women‘s health and all of our health, children‘s health. Women have abortions because they care about motherhood. I don‘t think people really realize that. And so, I suppose yes, frightened. And yes, determined to continue to provide women health care.

MADDOW: Do you see a future in America in which doctors aren‘t at risk for getting shot at and threatened and conceivably murdered anymore? Can you imagine a future in which this gets better?

NEWHALL: Yes, I absolutely can. And thank you for the question. Because I believe that as long as we marginalize abortion care and it is provided slowly in clinics where everybody knows your business there, then targets are easily made. If we incorporated abortion care into general gynecology, if you went to your gynecologist for surgery or a medical abortion instead of to a clinic, we wouldn‘t have this problem at all. Services would be invisible. So I call upon my colleagues to provide the service. That‘s what the problem is. We have allowed, you know, we were so happy to have abortion made available in the early ‘70s and the clinics were initially a feminist boon. But when the violence started, when the targeting started, I believe the correct answer is for physicians to provide services everywhere and for this to be a private issue between a woman and her physician in a place where nobody knows what she is there for.

MADDOW: It shouldn‘t be inconceivable.

I condemn any violence against abortionists or the illegal destruction of their facilities.

Committing atrocities is no way to respond to the atrocities.

I firmly believe that education is the answer.

Allow women to understand human development. Don't keep them in the dark about their unborn babies and life in the womb.

If these women were informed, I'm sure some, maybe hundreds of thousands, would elect not to kill their children.


Harvey Finkelstein said...

It's all about keeping the party going full speed ahead! Sad, but true.

Mary said...

Very sad.