Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jimmy Carter, Chris Matthews: Tea Party, Hard-Right Oligarchs

Jimmy Carter continues to live up to his title as the worst former president in the history of the United States.

He bashes the Tea Party patriots. In effect, he calls these engaged, concerned, proud Americans useful idiots of "hard-Right oligarchs," too stupid to realize what they're doing.



CHRIS MATTHEWS: Well, what you think of these Tea Party people? Mr. President, I look at a lot of them as, they‘re not all crazies. They‘re regular people, a lot of middle-middle-class people.


MATTHEWS: They‘re very religious. They‘re churchgoing people, like yourself.

And I wonder, do they know that they‘re being backed by big corporations and all this conservative money at the top?

JIMMY CARTER: The ones that know it deny it. And, obviously, the Tea Party movement has been completely financed—almost completely financed by hard-right oligarchs who want to prevent the oil companies and major corporations from having to pay their share of taxes or to comply with environmental laws.


CARTER: And so the Tea Party movement has been suborned by these very right-wing people who don‘t give a darn about low-class working people, but just want to feather their own nests.

MATTHEWS: I wish they knew that.

Jimmy Carter is a disgrace and Matthews is a Democrat hack.

Haven't they learned that smearing and besmirching the Tea Party patriots is not an effective strategy for the hard-Left?

Carter and Matthews are in an echo chamber.

They don't know a grassroots revolution when they see one.

1 comment:

Jim said...

An enlightening case of projection.