Monday, October 18, 2010

Obama: 'The Empire is Striking Back'

Obama is really losing it.

He's losing his voice.
He's losing his supporters.
He's losing his majority.
He's losing his mind.

"The empire is striking back"?


OBAMA: I want to warn you about something. And by the way, I hope you don't mind I'm losing my voice 'cause I'm still fired up. But I got some campaigning to do over the next couple weeks here.

Right now, the same special interests who would profit from the other side's agenda, they're fighting back.

The empire is striking back.

To win this election, they are plowing tens of millions of dollars into front groups. They're running misleading negative ads all across the country. They don't have the courage, they don't have the gumption to stand up and disclose their identity.

They could be insurance companies, banks. We don't know. This isn't just a threat to Democrats. This is a threat to our democracy. And the only way to fight it, the only way to match their millions of dollars, is all of you, millions of voices who are ready to finish what we started in 2008. That's where you come in.

Obama and his class warfare and his demonization of insurance companies and banks is disgraceful.

Obama is the one threatening our democracy by growing an all-controlling government, making it more oppressive, taking away the power of the individual, putting his boot on the neck of the American citizen.

Obama has failed to deliver the nirvana he promised to deliver.

People were foolish to believe Obama's promises, but they did. Now it's time to right that wrong.

People are wide awake now.

The people are striking back.

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