Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rahm Emanuel, Bill Kelly, and Jay Levine

Are these Chicago reporters, professional members of the press, or Democrat operatives working on behalf of Rahm Emanuel, or union thugs charged with shielding Emanuel?

All of the above?

They certainly don't appear to be behaving like objective journalists, protecting Emanuel from answering legitimate, albeit tough, questions.

One reporter, Jay Levine of CBS 2, exercises union thug tactics, threatening Bill Kelly of AM 560 WIND.

Levine growls at Kelly, "Let him finish or I'm gonna deck you."

Whoa! Hey there, sport, settle down.

Being a journalist in Chicago can be a dangerous profession.

Just another example of the Democrat-Media Complex at work.

Read Dana Loesch's "CBS2 Reporter Threatens Journalist Over Rahm Questioning."

UPDATE, October 14, 2010: "William Kelly on Chicago Reporter Attack: 'I Was in Their Way'"

1 comment:

Ken Kaplan said...

New William J Kelly Video