Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reuters-Ipsos Poll: Walker 52%, Barrett 42%

Very good news, Wisconsin!

Scott Walker leads Tom Barrett by double digits in the latest Reuters-Ipsos poll.

In the Wisconsin governor's race, Republican Scott Walker leads his Democratic opponent, Tom Barrett, by 10 points, 52 percent to 42 percent.

Incumbent Governor Jim Doyle, a Democrat, has relatively weak job approval ratings, with 60 percent disapproving and 34 percent approving his job performance.

A 34 percent approval rating is "relatively weak"?

That's a joke, as is Jim Doyle.

Republicans are highly motivated to vote in Wisconsin compared to Democrats, an "enthusiasm gap" that worries Democrats. The poll found 80 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of Democrats "certain" to vote in November.

I'm not a Republican but I'm highly motivated to vote for Walker - hope and change.

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