Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wisconsin Senate Race: NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News takes a look at the U.S. Senate race in Wisconsin.

Brian Williams introduces the segment with a great deal of drama.

BRIAN WILLIAMS: As the midterm election approaches, we're taking an in-depth look at some of the major races across the country that could play a big role in the make-up of the new Congress. Tonight we focus on Wisconsin, where Democratic incumbent Sen. Russ Feingold is trying to fend off a tough challenger. Our own Kelly O'Donnell reports on a race that could affect the entire balance of power in Washington.

The piece does portray Ron Johnson favorably but it seems like NBC might actually intend it to serve as a recruiting tool for the Feingold campaign.

The intro is bizarre. It's not as if the Wisconsin race alone would or could determine the "entire balance of power in Washington."

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