Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cher and Jay Leno

The day before Thanksgiving, Cher was Jay Leno's guest on the Tonight Show. She was hawking her new movie, Burlesque.



JAY LENO: Have you watched Sarah Palin's show? Have you seen that?

CHER: What are you...? You know you're going to lead me into a world of pain.

LENO: I know. I'm looking for quotes. I need quotes.

CHER: OK, you need water cooler?

LENO: Yeah, I need water cooler.

CHER: OK. Um, uh, she has a reality show?

LENO: Yeah. Sarah Palin's Alaska.

CHER: Oh, God. I can only get myself in problems, and then no Republicans are going to come to see the movie. Or teabaggers. Oh, no, not teabaggers.

LENO: Not teabaggers. You'll still get those to see the movie. You mean the Tea Party.

CHER: Tea Party.

LENO: What do you make of that? Where do you come from on that?

CHER: Oh! I just think they're f---ing nuts!

This from Cher. Cher.

Tea Party patriots are "f---ing nuts" in her world.

What's nuts is Cher believing that slamming conservatives, a huge segment of the country, is a good way to get people to see her movie.

Leno didn't give Cher any help. Apparently, he didn't think her comments might be problematic. It's' possible he just cares about boosting his ratings, and he enjoyed getting Cher to insult half of the country.


Mike Dawson said...

"Half the country"? My hunch is you're getting far too much info from the TV broadcast that is hardly "news" (Fox). Even the most conservative polling data I could find (Rasmussen) says "Twenty-four percent (24%) of U.S. voters now say they consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement". Hopefully, as the 112th Congress goes into session and the generic concept of a "smaller more fiscally responsible government" fades, the public will see that politics is not as simple as just writing catchy slogans. It's gonna' be a challenge to accomplish the mission they have set out to implement, particularly when the numbers just don't support the rhetoric. Republican leaders have stated the "Bush taxes cuts" will be restored (add $700 Billion to deficit) and they've stated there will be no cuts in military spending, or Medicare, or Social Security. But by God, we need a balanced budget! Ah...but now they've painted themselves into a corner. Certainly the fans of tea parties will have far more to moan about then Cher's comments on Leno!

Dave said...

"politics is not as simple as just writing catchy slogans"

Hope & Change, Mr. Dawson?

Mike Dawson said...

Yep, I have hope that the Republicans who have been elected do more than just talk negatively about the left, and do actually change from the party of "nope".