Friday, January 28, 2011

Tracy Morgan, Sarah Palin, and Masturbation (Video)

Tracy Morgan is a comedian. So when he shows up on live TV in an unscripted situation, it's risky. Who knows what he'll say? What he says may offend some viewers.

I think it's safe to say that probably at least some viewers of TNT's coverage of the Miami Heat - New York Knicks game last night were offended by Morgan's remarks.

From Mediaite:

Actor/comedian Tracy Mogan stars alongside Tina Fey in NBC’s 30 Rock, so when he appeared for a surprise interview before TNT’s telecast of the Miami Heat vs. the NY Knicks game, the question presented to him seemed innocent enough. Co-hosts Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley needed someone to settle a disagreement as to who is more attractive: Ms. Fey or former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin . An odd question to be sure, but certainly no odder than the response they received from the unpredictable actor.

...Morgan completely demurred when asked of Fey, but had no problem sharing his honest affection of Ms. Palin, which impossibly seemed to even shock the hard to rattle Charles Barkley.


KENNY SMITH: Me and him have this argument all the time. You can settle it. He's the only one who can settle it.


SMITH: Tina Fey or Sarah Palin.

CHARLES BARKLEY: He can't get fired.

SMITH: No, I'm just telling...

MORGAN: Listen, both of them...

BARKLEY: Let me ask you one question. Sarah Palin's good looking, isn't she?

MORGAN: Oh, yeah, absolutely.

SMITH: But Tina Fey's good looking.

MORGAN: Let me tell you something about Sarah Palin, man. She's good masturbation material, glasses and all of that. Great masturbation material.


Smith and Barkley were laughing but Ernie Johnson just sort of nodded and smiled and understandably looked uncomfortable.

The objectification of Palin, former governor of Alaska and vice presidential nominee, was not cool. Will NOW or other feminist groups complain about Palin being treated like this?

That's highly unlikely.

It was a mistake for Smith and Barkley to bring up Sarah Palin while talking to Morgan. They were asking for trouble.

I really think this obsession with Palin is bizarre.


Earlier Thursday on CNN, Barkley was also talking about Sarah Palin's appearance. During the interview, Barkley said she was good looking.

If you didn't know that Barkley thinks Sarah Palin is good looking, you do now.

Watch that interview here.


T.J. HOLMES: Does Sarah Palin have 'it'?

CHARLES BARKLEY: She has 'it,' but she's not gonna win. I think she's good looking, but she's not going to win. They're not, and that's no disrespect, they're not going to let a woman be the presidential candidate in 2012.

HOLMES: What do you mean 'not going to let a woman'?

BARKLEY: They're not going to let a woman.

HOLMES: Well, they said they weren't going to let a black man either.

BARKLEY: Yeah, but I think the Republican Party is a little bit different than the Democratic Party. I vote Democratic because I think they represent a majority, more of the people, people where I came from, people that don't have money. Because let's get one thing straight: Politics are rich people screwing poor people. I mean, this ain't got anything to do with this or that. Politics are rich people screwing poor people. And I like Sarah Palin, but I'm gonna tell you something. She's not going to be the Republican candidate, and I like her. But let me tell something: The good ol' boy network is not gonna let a woman be the frontrunner of their party. Who are we kidding?

Barkley says he likes Sarah Palin.


Because he thinks she's good looking?

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