Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rosie O'Donnell and Scott Walker

Oh, joy!

Rosie O'Donnell has weighed in on the revolution Democrats are staging in Wisconsin.


The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney has the transcript.

ROSIE O'DONNELL (29:41): [The Wisconsin budget crisis] is the most important issue our nation is facing right now, and has for the last fifty, sixty years [...]

There's apparently over 100,000 people in the freezing cold in Wisconsin standing there, and they have been for the last eleven days. It took seventeen days to get the government in Egypt to stop abusing their citizens after thirty years of rule.


O'DONNELL (47:48): I believe the people of Wisconsin were inspired by watching the people of Egypt ... stand up to tyranny and dictatorship, a thirty-year dictatorship taken down in seventeen days of peaceful protest. The people in Wisconsin deserve our support ... They are us.

O'DONNELL (49:50): Today, with all of our social media, people like Governor Walker can't get away with the lies and the deception that have been the course [sic], especially during the Bush administration.


O'DONNELL (58:40): [Walker is] trying to ruin the two-party system in the United States, and, frankly, if the Democrats don't get their s**t together, they're really gonna be the root of their own demise, because the Republicans are organized and they've got talking points and they've got slogans.

Good grief.

"I believe the people of Wisconsin were inspired by watching the people of Egypt ... stand up to tyranny and dictatorship, a thirty-year dictatorship taken down in seventeen days of peaceful protest. The people in Wisconsin deserve our support ... They are us."

No, Rosie, WE aren't you. Thank God.

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