Thursday, March 3, 2011

WI Senate Resolution: Deadline for AWOL Senators, Contempt

The Wisconsin State Senate is taking action to bring the AWOL Dems currently obstructing the will of the people and, in effect, overturning the 2010 election back to fulfill their responsibilities as legislators.

Jay Sorgi reports:

Wisconsin State Senate has approved a resolution that would set a deadline of 4:00 p.m. Thursday for Wisconsin's 14 Democratic state senators to return to Senate chambers.

If they do not, they would be held guilty in contempt of the Senate.

TODAY"S TMJ4's Mick Trevey says law enforcement could go out with a warrant and detain them.

Senators could be picked up, held against their will, chained and brought back to Senate chambers to vote on Governor Scott Walker's budget repair bill.

According to the resolution, law enforcement could work with other states to use force to get a Senator back to Wisconsin.


The 14 Dem senators should not be allowed to hold the state of Wisconsin hostage.

They should not be allowed to disenfranchise Wisconsin voters.

No minority party should employ this tactic. Fleeing the state is not an option.

The Dems and the union thugs may like the idea of the image of a senator being brought back to Madison in chains. It would play into their narrative of the Republicans as evil.

The reality is right now the DEMS and the UNION THUGS are holding Wisconsin taxpayers in chains.

That should be the lasting image of this disgusting episode in our state's history.

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