Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Letterman: Michele Bachmann Top Ten

David Letterman honed his harassment skills on Sarah Palin. Now, he's using them on Michele Bachmann.

That was completely predictable.

Death, taxes, and Letterman demeaning conservative women.


10. Staff spends 50% of time researching facts, other 50% explaining to Michele she got the facts wrong

9. Supply room is down to its last industrial-sized bucket of mascara

8. All the "Romney 2012" bumper stickers

7. They're putting a lot of emphasis on campaigning in Canada

6. Latest strategy: X-ray Bachmann's ass to prove it's real

5. The place is crawling with raccoons

4. Already filling out application for "Dancing With the Stars"

3. She's insisting the pilgrims came to this country to escape Queen Latifah

2. Everyone's under the impression the election's in 2013

1. Most commonly heard phrase: "Huh?"

Late Show with David Letterman
June 28, 2011



Anonymous said...

Interesting how he likes to try and pick on women who are smarter than him, are self-made, and don't sexually harass their interns. I used to absolutely LOVE Letterman when he was on NBC years ago. He was getting less funny but something really changed when the 2000 election came around. I think he was getting to be more of a lefty curmudgeon and found that 50% of the crowd would always laugh at a "George Bush (insert your republican politician) is stupid/mean" joke. He's lazy. Haven't watched him for more than a few minutes in years.

Mary said...

I, too, used to be a Letterman fan. Now, I can't watch him. He's insufferable.

Harvey Finkelstein said...

David Letterman used his power to manipulate and have sex with women while he is married. What else does one need to know?