Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Al Sharpton and WI Recall Elections

Al Sharpton was as successful at making his point as the Democrats were at taking control of the Wisconsin State Senate.



AL SHARPTON: Tonight is the measure of whether the country begins in the state of Wisconsin a national drive to push back, or whether we have more to go to build a movement of resistance. But resist we much. We must, and we will much about that be committed.


MSNBC can be quite entertaining, a lot of comedic value.


TN_DOG said...

Look I only hope Sappy Al WAS talking about the recall elections in Wisconsin. For all we know and as garbled as he was in his TV debut on MSNBC -- Sappy Al could have been exhorting on the Flash Mob violence that caused the Wisconsin Fair to shutdown last Thursday and implement new admission policies. Flash Mob violence is a more dangerous threat in major cities than terrorism, only this is cut from domestic ignorance.

John from Madison
PS Dont believe me -- Just Google Flash Mob Violence

Haarvey Finkelstein said...

He's serious. Wait until next summer.

London is just the preview reel.

PRH said...

Hoping to see Al, Rachael MadCow, and Sgt Schultz, do a suicide triple after the GOP held Wisconsin....damn, no luck!

Mary said...

Al Sharpton is a perfect fit for MSNBC.

Mary said...

Maddow and Schultz and Sharpton need to get out of their liberal bubble and open their eyes.

(And Sharpton needs to learn how to read a teleprompter.)