Thursday, August 4, 2011

Scott Walker, State Fair, Protests (Video)

I love the Wisconsin State Fair.

It's a fantastic event where people from all walks of life come together and just have fun.

It's a respite from the nightmares and annoyances of daily life. For a day or a few hours, forget about the disastrous economy, sinking home values, contentious recall elections, scandals, blah, blah, blah.

Have some food on a stick and relax. Listen to the live music. Have a cream puff, a heavenly cream puff. Watch the pig races. Buy a mop or the latest, new and improved slicer and dicer.

What's not to love?


Protesters marred today's opening ceremony. They refused to show the event the respect it deserves. Instead, some goons decided they would attack Governor Scott Walker, completely disregarding the spirit of the fair, a celebration of Wisconsin.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The politics that have split the state since winter spilled into a Wisconsin summer tradition Thursday morning during Gov. Scott Walker's meet-and-greet at the opening ceremony of the Wisconsin State Fair.

Protesters in red shirts chanted "shame" and "recall Walker" during Walker's speech while supporters of Walker cheered him on.

While Walker spoke, Lynn Ziehr, 49, of Richfield shouted "shame" right back at the protesters.

Ziehr has been attending the fair for many years, but this was her first time attending the opening ceremony. She did so this year to support Walker.

Ziehr said she didn't think the protest was appropriate for the event.

"I can't believe how much hatred is going around this state," she said.

Barb Neddo, 49, and her daughter Sarah, 19, protested at the event sporting "Recall Walker" shirts.

Sarah Neddo, a sophomore at UW-Madison, said she thinks it's important to let people know that the protests aren't going away.

"We're still here and we're still fighting," she said.

Mother and daughter both noted that, for the most part, people kept their cool at the event.

Sarah Neddo said she thinks it's great that people on both sides could express their views and then go enjoy a day at the fair.

Ziehr, too, said she planned to stay at the fair for the rest of the day, and is excited to see the draft horses.

Other speakers at the opening included Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and West Allis Mayor Dan Devine.

From 620 WTMJ, a less sanitized account of what happened:
Amidst the fun and frivolity of the State Fair's opening day, some protesters of Republican Governor Scott Walker's policies came and showed their disapproval when he spoke at the fair.

As Walker gave the last speech of the opening ceremony at the fair on Thursday morning, protesters yelled "Shame, shame, shame!"

"You're a weasel," came from one of the protesters.

TODAY'S TMJ4's Diane Pathieu tells us that what began as 20 to 30 protesters eventually turned into twice that many people shouting during the duration of Walker's speech.

Walker claimed that the protests shouldn't stop the fun of the fair.

"Out of 800,000 people, (there's) 50-60 people, they have their right to do that," said Walker.

"Most people who come to the fair will tell you they set aside politics and business and have a good time."

But for Milwaukee Public Schools teacher Julianna Kelly, it was a chance to get up close to the governor and make her voice heard, and she's not done yet.

"Our government is supposed to be of the people, be by the people for the people," explained Kelly.

"(His policies) hurt way too many people, not just teachers, Medicare, Social Security, the elderly, children of poverty."

Not "SHAME, SHAME, SHAME"! Not again!!!

Good grief.

This ticks me off. It really does.

For God's sake, give it a rest at the fair.

What are these thugs going to do at the Governor's Auction?

One of the highlights of the Fair is the Governor's Red, White and Blue Ribbon Livestock Auction. The Coliseum will bustle with the excitement and chatter of the Governor's Red, White and Blue Ribbon Livestock Auction as auctioneers chide bidders to raise the stakes and up the ante. Exhilaration and the excitement level increases as the bids go higher and higher on each Champion Market Steer, Lamb and Barrow. Proceeds from the event contribute to youth agriculture programs and scholarships.

Read more about this great event.

The protesters disrupting the opening ceremony of the 2011 Wisconsin State Fair have no shame.

Really disgusting.

Sadly, this sort of behavior is a hallmark of the Scott Walker detractors. They're blinded by their hate. They are unhinged.

Remember when protesters disrupted a Special Olympics event at the Capitol?

Here's video of the disgraceful display at the State Fair today, from the MacIver Institute:

Look at these people! They're crazed. They're an embarrassment. How terribly inappropriate! Such thuggery is no way to win hearts and minds to their cause.

Kudos to the MacIver Institute for doing such a terrific job of informing the public.


PL said...

We have no shame, indeed. The shame's on Walker. :) There were a good dozen of others on "your" side defending him as well, and they were quite belligerent to peaceful protesters today. They deserve shaming as well.

Mary said...


Goons gathered, decked out in matching t-shirts, to disrupt the opening ceremony of the state fair.

I don't consider that a peaceful protest.

You didn't hurt Gov. Walker. You hurt fairgoers there to enjoy the festivities.

Your tactics and thuggery turn Walker into a victim. Expect a well-deserved backlash from those of us disgusted by your lack of civility and decency.

Timothy Patrick Phillip Roberts said...

I understand the belief that tried and true conservative ideals imply order and clarity - a respect for authority - a sense of sacred places and purity. You should understand that view is not shared by progressives - those seeking new ways - ways of fairness and equality - ways of protecting the the less fortunate. Is chanting "shame" at the State Fair more or less disrespectful than eleventhth hour legislation? Are the State Fair opening ceremonies more sacred than the legislative process? Everybody is wrong and everybody is right.

Montana said...

Never Bet against the United States, watch out Republicans or the ones that call themselves the Bag of Tea Party, we are coming for you! The win in New York was the beginning but now it’s Wisconsin, next target our nation. The Republicans are like the “Chicken Little’s” always saying that the “Sky is Falling”, like the same ones that were the “Chicken Hawks” (“W” Wars), big talk no courage.

Generations have worked hard and sacrificed much for the country to reach this point (individuals and collectively as Unions!), and with further hard work and sacrifice (along with our relentless self-doubt) the United States will rise again, we do not tire and we are coming back, no matter what “Standard and Poor’s AKA “Scandal and Snores”, Fake News and the Republicans (especially the Bag of Tea Party) “Chicken Little’s” lackies keep saying about our nation.

The United States, favors creativity wherever it can be found. We’re apostles of prosperity and defenders of the free exchange of ideas and when more people in more countries are free to rise, to invent, to communicate, to dissent, it’s not the doom of United States leadership, it’s the triumph of the American way.

You know what this current crowd of GOP liars want is to turn the United Sates into China, where only a few giant corporations run things, they own the factories, the apartments, the grocery stores, the gas stations, the newspaper and magazine publications, the radio stations, the television stations and you pay them and they get all the benefits, and if you do not like it go jump off cliff. Well some Chinese workers seeing that as individuals that they cannot progress have done just that by committing suicide.

The current crowd of GOP liars want to steal Medicare and Social Security from the elderly, they want to abolish a woman’s right to choose and have control over her own body, they want to abolish collective bargaining rights for our Unions, and on top of it all they want to blame the poor, the middle class, the public sector workers and Unions for a recession that the Republicans created (Thanks to the Dullard “W”), while their beloved “Fat cats” continue to pay themselves exorbitant salaries, bonuses, fringe benefits.

Many tell me that the economy was great under “W”, but when you are cooking the books and have

taken TWO of the most expensive WARS OF CHOICE in our history, “OFF THE BOOKS”, well now you see the results that will be with us for the next three decades. Remember “W” learned how to “cook the books” with his “No Child left behind” program from the great State of Texas (Rick Perry, cooks the books too), but hey the Republicans never lies right (Just about Wars and everything else)? Please, tell me another!

Boehner Got 98% the USA GOT A DOWNGRADE

Mary said...

Spend a lot of time watching MSNBC?