Saturday, September 3, 2011

Neo-Nazi Rally, West Allis

Neo-Nazis held a news conference yesterday to assure the public that they plan to have a peaceful rally today.

Video, from FOX 6 News:


A group called the National Socialist Movement has planned a rally in "defense of white America" for 2 p.m. at the West Allis City Hall. The Chicago-based group claims the rally is in response to mob attacks where whites were beaten by African-Americans at the Wisconsin State Fair.

An hour prior to the neo-Nazi rally, a coalition of 30 community groups plan to have a counter-rally.

This is sad.

The crime on opening day of the State Fair was horrible. The racial component of the attacks was disgusting.

A neo-Nazi group responding with a "defense of white America" rally is also sad.

It reminds me of the famous quote from Rahm Emanuel, Obama's former chief of staff: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

By staging this rally, the National Socialist Movement is using the attacks on innocent people to further its own agenda.

Very sad.

Keep hating.

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