Friday, September 30, 2011

Obama: America 'Soft'

Obama thinks America had gone soft before he took over.

Don't worry. He's now on the scene to whip the country back into shape.

Good grief.

Video, from Breitbart:


OBAMA: I mean there are a lot of things that we can do. And, and the way I think about it is, you know, this, this is, uh, eh, you know, a great, uh, great country that, uh, had gotten a little soft. Uh, and, you know, we didn't have that same competitive edge that we needed, uh, over the last, uh, couple of decades. We need to get back on track.

Soft? SOFT?

It's not about being soft. People want to work. They can't. The Obama economy sucks.

He's right we do need to get back on track, but Obama isn't getting the economy back on track. Nothing is getting better. His policies aren't helping at all. Worse, he's pushing the economy over a cliff. Destruction!

How can we revive our "competitive edge" when Obama is blocking free enterprise at every turn?

Obama is clinically delusional.

He's also a very poor speaker when he's not reading rehearsed remarks from his teleprompter.

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