Thursday, October 20, 2011

Safia Arias: Occupy Boston

Safia Arias, of the International Socialist Organization, spoke to a receptive crowd at Occupy Boston.

When are Obama and the Democrats and their media mouthpieces going to admit the Occupy Wall Street movement is anti-capitalist and, in many ways, anti-American? When are they going to admit the protesters are crazed radicals, not people with the values of middle America?

Arias has some very harsh words for the demonized "1 percent."

Her demand to them: "Get the f--- out of the entire world!"

She's also not too thrilled with Obama.

Here's video, from Breitbart:


SAFIA ARIAS: We're here today to protest against the last ten years of war and slaughter and terror that were initiated and continue to be escalated by the 1 percent of society in our name. We're here today because these horrors did not end when George Bush and his cronies got out of office.

We're here today because the Democrats refused to end the wars and refused to end the slaughter when they earned a super majority in 2006 and the White House in 2008. Since the Obama administration was elected on an anti-war platform, thousands of Afghans and Pakistanis and Yemenis have been killed.

The wars are an inevitable part of this system. And the system needs to be ended so that we no longer have wars as an inevitability of our lives, that our children no longer have to keep living in a planet that's slowly getting annihilated and destroyed.

Only a movement that is big enough as this and is so amazing, that is inclusive of the most scapegoated and vilified people in our society - Arabs, Muslims, immigrants - can really build, that is politically independent. And the demand that, no, we are many. You are few. Get the f--- out of the entire world.

Listen to this woman. She's mad.

She doesn't sound like an Obama ally.

She's extremely ticked off at Obama and the Democrats, not just Republicans, not just the Wall Street fat cats. (That can't please Obama and the MSNBC crowd.)

Her agenda covers much more than the class warfare Obama and company are dishing out.

I don't agree with her notion that Arabs, Muslims, and immigrants are the most scapegoated and vilified people in our society.

I think right now the people most vilified in our society work on Wall Street, in the financial sector, and banking. Also most vilified: Jews.

Certainly, the Occupy Wall Street protests cover a broad spectrum of issues. Arias' rant reveals that.

Arias has a simple solution to her list of complaints. The people who bother her should "get the f--- out of the entire world."


1 comment:

Cry, Beloved Country said...

Kalle Lasn is the co-founder of Adbusters, the Canadian corporation that is the brains and organizational savvy behind Occupy Wall Street et al. (You can see some documentation of this at’s “Campaigns” page.) His book, Culture Jam, makes fascinating reading. He describes himself as an anarchist and neo-Luddite, among other things. If you want to know what OWS is about, he has a way more coherent vision than most of the boots on the ground seem to. Don't buy it, for pete's sake, but if you can find it at the library (I did), it makes eye-opening reading.