Saturday, December 3, 2011

REWARD Scott Walker Sign

If you've been in the Milwaukee area or around Madison, you've probably seen this sign:

Here's an alternative:

You take a risk if you post this on your lawn or place a smaller version in your car or anywhere else.

We all know there are ruthless anti-Walker thugs willing to be violent and destructive.

Some things are worth fighting for.

1 comment:

otherside said...

"We all know there are ruthless anti-Walker thugs willing to be violent and destructive."

Not like the ruthless pro-walker thugs willing to burn recall signatures. You're absurd if you're suggesting a correlation between being anti-walker and being violent. Even though you're not SAYING that, you're definitely implying it, in the classic ultra-conservative fashion.

Also, i'd like a non-absurd explanation of what "reward" is, or what for. What are you even fighting for? Do you even know? Can you provide reasons that aren't just regurgitated partisan rhetoric?