Monday, January 30, 2012

Sarah Palin: Rage Against the Machine

Sarah Palin offers a way to annoy a liberal: Vote Newt.



JEANINE PIRRO: How can Newt Gingrich distance himself and say that he's not an, you know, an insider when there are those who would say he's the consummate Washington insider? I mean, he was Speaker of the House and he was in Congress for 20 years.

SARAH PALIN: Yeah, how can he say that he's not a part of the establishment? Well, look at the players in the establishment who are fighting so hard against him. They want to crucify him because he's tapped into that average, everyday American Tea Party grassroots movement that has said, 'Enough is enough of the establishment that tries to run the show, and tweak rules and laws and regulations for their own good and not for our nation's own good.'

Well, when both party machines and many in the media are trying to crucify Newt Gingrich for bucking the tide and bucking the establishment, that tells you something.

And I say, you know, you gotta rage against the machine at this point in order to defend our republic and save what is good and secure and prosperous about our nation. We need somebody who is engaged in sudden and relentless reform and isn't afraid to shake it up, shake up that establishment.

So, if for no other reason - rage against the machine - vote for Newt. Annoy a liberal. Vote Newt. Keep this vetting process going, keep the debate going.

As more debate happens, Judge, we'll hear more from Newt and from the other candidates who will oppose his position as he claims that he's not part of the establishment. Let's hear more about it.

Palin's real message is to allow the process to play out. I don't want to see a coronation.

I think it's nuts when Republicans say that this messy primary fight is reelecting Obama.

The argument that Republicans are giving Obama ammunition to use against the eventual nominee is silly.

Obama has been a disaster as president. The American people know it. So many are suffering because of his policies, what he's done and what he's failed to do.

Obama's record and the state of the country will provide the Republican nominee with a massive arsenal of reasons to present a convincing case against an Obama second term.

Obama has a real problem - his dreadful performance as president.

The Republican candidates need to focus on Obama.

Enough with the mudslinging. Convince me with a positive message, not negative attacks. That's what I want to hear - positive stuff.

I want to feel confident the nominee is capable of challenging Obama and defeating him.

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