Thursday, February 23, 2012

Obama: 'Another 5 Years'

Here's audio of Obama putting the cart before the horse:

OBAMA: My presidency is not over. I've got another five years coming up.

NO! No, Obama, you don't. You don't have another five years.

Your presidency will end at noon ET on January 20, 2013.

Obama's declaration that he has another "five years coming up" should serve as a wake-up call.

Americans across the country should be letting out bloodcurdling screams at the thought of an Obama second term.

We have to get this guy out of office.

We can't allow five more years of Obama's disastrous policies.

We have to take our country back, and we can. Yes, we can.

We have two options:
1. Defeat Obama

2. Learn to speak Chinese

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