Thursday, February 23, 2012

David Gergen, Republicans, and 'Women on Twitter'

According to David Gergen, CNN political analyst, "women on Twitter" don't like the Republican candidates.

While Gergen declared Mitt Romney to be the winner, he sees a weakness.

In his assessment of last night's debate, Gergen addressed the significance of "women on Twitter" and presidential politics.



DAVID GERGEN: There are a lot of women out there tonight on Twitter who believe that these candidates really live in the past, that they're men who sort of don't understand the women's rights movement. And it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

This is a weird comment on several levels.

Do candidates work to get the "women on Twitter" vote, the "women on Twitter" moms?


Gergen's belief that the Republican candidates "don't understand the women's rights movement" is very odd.

"The women's rights movement"? Has Gergen been watching reruns of Maude?

It seems like Gergen is living in the past.

The Dem talking point that Republicans are the enemies of women is ridiculous.

Does Gergen remember that Sarah Palin, a woman, was on the Republican ticket in 2008?

Does Gergen recall that Michele Bachmann was once the front-runner in the 2012 primary race?

Both Bachmann and Palin were crucified by Democrats. So much for respecting women.

Gergen needs to understand that the Republican candidates don't have a backward agenda when it comes to women.

These "women on Twitter" Gergen has been following need to learn that as well.


More Gergen "wisdom":


Harvey Finkelstein said...

Gergen lost it a long long long time ago.

Why guys like this keep hanging around on the political commentator circuit I'll never know. Mr. Gergen adds nothing when he applies his delusional template to political discourse.

Mary said...

Gergen adds so little of substance.

That's probably why the lib media want his input.