Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Michael Moore, Anarchists, and Revolution

Michael Moore, rich guy, cheers the anarchists and promotes revolution.

Video, from Breitbart.

It's funny that later the anarchists and occupiers heckled rich guy Moore.

Video, from Mediaite.

Filmmaker, activist and son of Michigan Michael Moore had presented himself to the media as the (very) unofficial poster celebrity for the Occupy movement, even appearing on CNN host Piers Morgan‘s program to discuss his ties to the protests as well as to vehemently deny that he’s a member of “the one percent” — an issue Morgan revisited when Moore made another appearance to once again discuss the movement.

...The Blaze is reporting that, while visiting New York City’s Zuccotti Park on Saturday, Moore was met with hecklers presumably upset over the fact that Bowling for Columbine director once owned stock in Halliburton, the oilfield services company whose name is, for some, closely associated with circling vultures and stray black cats yowling at an eerie harvest moon.

As Moore makes his way across the park, one rather loud young man can be heard shouting “make way for 50 million dollar Michael Moore, everyone!”

“Have your picture taken with 50 million dollar, Halliburton investing Michael Moore!” and “Michael, why did you invest in Halliburton?” are later heard.

Moore is such a hypocrite.

Instead of preaching about revolution, he should start one. He should take it upon himself to spread his wealth around and part with some of his tens of millions of dollars.

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