Thursday, March 8, 2012

Union Boss Balistreri: Dems 'Job Killers'

Tell me something I don't know.

Wisconsin Senate Democrats are job killers.

What's stunning about Lyle Balistreri's remarks at a union gathering at Serb Hall is that he bashed these Democrats.

Dissension in the ranks.

LYLE BALISTRERI: (angrily) The people, the workers of the state of Wisconsin, while you're playing your partisan games, are the ones that are suffering. We're sick of it.


For the Senate Democrats to vote against this bill is a sign that they're not with us. They're certainly not job creators, and, in fact, they're job killers.

Priceless video.

From CBS-58:
Lyle Balistreri wasn't scheduled to speak during Wednesday night's "Reclaim Wisconsin" rally at Serb Hall, but took the stage anyway to lash out against what he called the "ugly partisan politics" that led to the rejection of a mining permit bill.

He singled out the 16 senate democrats who voted no including Milwaukee State Senator Spencer Coggs who was also in attendance.

Balistreri represents more than 15-thousand construction trades workers in southeast Wisconsin, men and women who would have benefited from the mining reform bill.

"For the Senate Democrats to vote against this bill is a sign that they're not with us. They're certainly not job creators, and in fact they're job killers. And I'm sick and tired of the partisan politics in the State of Wisconsin. The working people in the state of are taking a beating. Democrats and Republicans are at each other's throats, and this sort of thing has to stop," said Balistreri.

I'm waiting for Balistreri to backtrack, or at least slap around some Republicans.

Still, hearing him say that the 16 Senate Dems are "JOB KILLERS" is something that will echo through the Scott Walker recall campaign.

Has Kathleen Falk commented?

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