Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ann Romney - FOX News Interview (Video)

Ann Romney appeared on FOX News this morning to discuss DNC and Obama adviser Hilary Rosen's attack on her and stay-at-home moms, claiming Ann Romney "has never worked a day in her life" because she chose raising her five sons to be her career.

Here's the video:

ANN ROMNEY: This is what's so interesting about this. My career choice was to be a mother, and I think all of us need to know that we need to respect choices that women make.


The so-called "feminists" have exposed their hypocrisy.

These Leftists aren't about empowering women to chose their path in life. It's about promoting a specific agenda, and that doesn't include being a stay-at-home mom.

I love what Josh Romney, Mitt and Ann Romney's son, tweeted last night:

@AnnDRomney is one of the smartest, hardest working woman I know. Could have done anything with her life, chose to raise me


Read: Why Stay-At-Home Moms Are Worth More than $100K a Year

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