Friday, April 27, 2012

Tom Barrett - Wind Power

Anyone paying attention knows that Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett has been a disaster.

Barrett's record on job creation is absolutely miserable.

Tom Barrett and Milwaukee Unemployment

Unemployment: Black Men in Milwaukee

Tom Barrett and Milwaukee Unemployment, Poverty

Barrett, the guy incapable of creating jobs in the city of Milwaukee, wants to be at the helm of Wisconsin's job creation as governor.


What's the cornerstone for Barrett's plan for job creation?


Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett says if he's elected governor, he'll create jobs by investing in wind power and other clean-energy technology.

Barrett blasted Gov. Scott Walker on Thursday, saying Walker campaigned in 2010 on the promise of creating 250,000 jobs but then used his office to pursue an ideological agenda instead.

Barrett says Wisconsin needs a governor who will truly focus on job creation.

Barrett's right.

Wisconsin needs a governor who will truly focus on job creation.

That's why Barrett is the wrong person to be governor. That's why Wisconsinites elected Scott Walker in November 2010.

Case closed.


I thought this recall election was grounded in opposition to Act 10 and the changes in collective bargaining.

These Dems shouldn't be allowed to change the subject and turn this into just another election, as if November 2010 never happened.

Barrett and Falk don't get to spin what the recall election is about - a union hissy fit.

This shouldn't be a do-over. It's a referendum on Act 10, that remarkably successful legislation.

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