Monday, April 16, 2012

Wisconsin Voter ID and Supreme Court

Good news for Democrats/Leftists/union members: Supreme Court refuses to take up voter ID cases.

The state Supreme Court refused Monday to immediately take up a pair of cases that struck down the state's new voter ID law, a decision that will likely mean citizens won't have to show ID when they cast ballots in recall elections this spring.

The court's terse orders send the cases back to two different courts of appeals. The appeals courts had said the Supreme Court should take the cases right away because of their significance. Now, the appeals courts will have to render their own decisions on the cases.

The cases could then go to the Supreme Court, and are widely expected to be decided by that court.

But in the short term, the rulings mean the voter ID law will remain blocked. The court issued its orders just three weeks before the May 8 primary for Democrats to pick a candidate to run against Republican Gov. Scott Walker in the June 5 recall election.

I'm sure the Dems are popping champagne corks, from Wisconsin to the White House.

Keep the door open to fraudulent votes cast for Democrats!

This is disappointing. I don't like being disenfranchised. That's the kind of thing that bugs me.

On the bright side, we voted Scott Walker into office in November 2010, without the photo ID requirement for voters.

On the dark side, Wisconsin is now the center of the 2012 political storm.

That's sure to attract a major effort to mess with our election.

I have no doubt that Scott Walker would win reelection on his merits. What worries me is the money and the manpower the Democrat/union machine will pour into Wisconsin to overturn the November 2010 election.

I believe they will stop at nothing to oust Walker. I expect illegal activity. I'd feel better if the voter ID law were in place for the June 5th election, as it should be.


Richard Bublitz said...

I don't understand this. Someone sues against a law, gets a judge to put a stay on the law until it goes to court, the lower courts defer it to the Supreme court who in turn defers t back to the lower courts - where there it sits. And, the judge who placed the "stay" signed the Walker recall petition.

Is that about it?

What's wrong with this picture, when is this game playing going to stop.

Mary said...

It's not going to stop.

That's why we have to get out and vote for Walker.

We hold the power to defeat the liberals (again).

Inaction is not an option.

jimspice said...

It's all the fault of that darn LEFTIST Supreme Court, right? I think you should camp out on the IL border on June 5 and take pictures of the hoards of buses bringing in out-of-state voters paid by union bosses and lured by smokes and BBQ and Cousins subs.

Mary said...

My guess is the Court was not acting politically.

I know that must be hard for a Leftist like yourself to fathom.

I expect the busloads of union minions to set up residence in Wisconsin for 10 days before June 5.